Something like 5 million M1 carbines were made by the US during WW2, but only one of 27 Conte figures has one, no TSSD Marines have them, one winter GI does. A common weapon that's uncommon in plastic figures.
I want more figures in the "Conte/TSSD size" that don't have all their web gear molded on. I realize that figures with no belts, etc won't sell, but not everyone carried their full pack into battle! I can convert gun crews, etc, but the biggest pain is using filler to cover pack straps, or having to show your cannon crews carrying full infantry packs. A lot of GIs were photographed with just a belt (rifle or pistol depending on weapon).
For some interesting "battle" poses, some manufacturer could look at the US Rangers in 1/72nd scale by Pegasus. These would look nice in 54mm.
I know that for some reason prone figures are not popular, but they are essential to a WW2 battle scene.
As a figure converter, I would like more figures from all eras with nicely molded heads and hands.
Specific figures? Some GIs in the "Conte/TSSD size" range that are marching (real GIs spent a lot more time walking than fighting), standing guard (not running into action), crouched (to put behind buildings, obstacles or tanks). A new set of stretcher bearers would be great - US, German or (preferably) both. A nice set of Japanese with the "woodpecker" heavy machine gun. A German MG team firing from the prone position in plastic. US officers with radios - handie talkie(SCR536) or walkie talkie (SCR300). Some mortar crews from the US and Germans - a common weapon to every infantry unit that isn't well crewed in plastics. Medics - US and Germans, with their distinctive pouches and gear.
Some WW2 European civillians would be useful. Obviously we also need French troops in newer plastic and all kinds of British Commonwealth forces.
So many soldiers, so little time!
Gary B.