The Age of the Samurai (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
Well, it's official, the pre-order has begun for the first figures from our new product range, "The Age of the Samurai". We've started the range off slowly just to provide a taste of what is to come, but rest assured we will be adding to it tremendously over 2009 and well beyond. We have big plans for the range and will give it a very similar treatment as our Napoleon's Europe range. For more detailed background information on the range, please visit our Age of the Samurai page on our website. There is a bit more insight there as to what we have planned. The first three figures will ship around March 20th 2009. We sincerely hope you enjoy them.


SAM001 - Ashigaru Charging with Raised Naginata - $49.95


SAM002 - Noble Samurai Daimyo in Horned Helmet - $49.95


SAM003 - Ashigaru Charging with Level Naginata - $49.95


First Legion Ltd
congratulations to the start of this new line.
These first 3 releases are beautiful and look very promising for what's to come.
Very well done figures.
The years of waiting for top-class samurai "toy" soldiers has come to an end!

Thanks Matt!!!!!!

Pre-order is in! Your plans for the range make my day!
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like them. We've really put a LOT of work into these as, if you've read our webpage catalog summary, we feel that to do a range of Samurai you really have to do it so well for it to come off right. Samurai is really is just the apex of toy soldier collecting when done well, so we wanted to make it something special. Lots more coming with this range guys, this is just the tip of the iceberg...


First Legion Ltd

can you tell us who is the depicted daimyo with the horned helmet?

I just emailed my partner this question and this is what he said....

"SAM002 is generic Daimyo. He had very famous helmet with big horns like famous general of Takeda Shingen Yamamoto Kansuke (remember movie Samurai Banners?). But Kansuke must have their mon (sign) on his back and only one eye."

No worries, Nasir, we'l be doing the Takeda clan................ :D
These are excellent! First Legion will be a force to be reckoned with! :):):) You must have some excellent artists. Are you having these painted in Russia? :confused:
i have a question about the "funny prices".
Why the First Legion have so diferent prices?Like if we take Napoleonics for example.Why the French figures are 39 usd and Britain figures are 44 usd?
And i didnt check all the figures yet but still i see this diference?Why is that?
And some of the figures are no special in a way that are not mounted,or in battle position and they are 54 usd?Why the prices are so different?
And this Samurai look very good,but can you tell us what will be the price of the next models.Because the price 49 usd for limited edition is ok,but what will be the price for other figures in a future when it will not be limited?
So the figures must be cheaper than?I mean in ordinary figures not mounted or artiliry or something like that.
Can you tell us more about the prices and the figures that will come on the future?Will be there any battle position figures with bow and arow,with sword,...?
i have a question about the "funny prices".
Why the First Legion have so diferent prices?Like if we take Napoleonics for example.Why the French figures are 39 usd and Britain figures are 44 usd?
And i didnt check all the figures yet but still i see this diference?Why is that?
And some of the figures are no special in a way that are not mounted,or in battle position and they are 54 usd?Why the prices are so different?
And this Samurai look very good,but can you tell us what will be the price of the next models.Because the price 49 usd for limited edition is ok,but what will be the price for other figures in a future when it will not be limited?
So the figures must be cheaper than?I mean in ordinary figures not mounted or artiliry or something like that.
Can you tell us more about the prices and the figures that will come on the future?Will be there any battle position figures with bow and arow,with sword,...?

Well, the prices aren't necessarily "funny" I don't think. With the French Figures, that are $35-$40, we should actually raise the price of them to $45 like the British figures, but we're not (though I consider it all the time). $44.95 is pretty much the standard price for our Napoleonics moving forward. If you'd prefer it, we could raise all of the prices now on all figures to a minimum of $44.95 to make them less "funny." :eek: :D

As for a figure that is $54 and not in battle position - battle positions have nothing to do with it, complexity of the painting does! So, for example, the new Guard Chasseur figure cost us about 25% more to produce than a normal figure because of the painting. Same with the new Staff Set (have you actually looked at the painting detail closely - the belts, sashes, etc..???).

As for the Samurai, yes there will be many and various battle positions (swords, bows, arquebus etc...)and the prices of the figures will vary, some being less expensive, others being more expensive, again depeding on the complexity of the figures, the sculpting costs, painting costs, the number we produce etc.. One element with the Samurai, however, is that the sculpting is extremely expensive.

In closing, and I don't intend on engaging in this pricing conversation any longer, for the quality of sculpting and painting that we provide, we feel our figures are an extremely good value for the money. If you agree, then buy some, you won't be disappointed.


Well, the prices aren't necessarily "funny" I don't think. With the French Figures, that are $35-$40, we should actually raise the price of them to $45 like the British figures, but we're not (though I consider it all the time). $44.95 is pretty much the standard price for our Napoleonics moving forward. If you'd prefer it, we could raise all of the prices now on all figures to a minimum of $44.95 to make them less "funny." :eek: :D

As for a figure that is $54 and not in battle position - battle positions have nothing to do with it, complexity of the painting does! So, for example, the new Guard Chasseur figure cost us about 25% more to produce than a normal figure because of the painting. Same with the new Staff Set (have you actually looked at the painting detail closely - the belts, sashes, etc..???).

As for the Samurai, yes there will be many and various battle positions (swords, bows, arquebus etc...)and the prices of the figures will vary, some being less expensive, others being more expensive, again depeding on the complexity of the figures, the sculpting costs, painting costs, the number we produce etc.. One element with the Samurai, however, is that the sculpting is extremely expensive.

In closing, and I don't intend on engaging in this pricing conversation any longer, for the quality of sculpting and painting that we provide, we feel our figures are an extremely good value for the money. If you agree, then buy some, you won't be disappointed.



Well we didnt quite understand each other.When i say funny prices i was not think that French 40 usd is funny and Britains 45 is not funny,but oposite.I was think why not make Britains figures also 40 and not French 45.Because i think the sculpting and everything is kind of the same of both figures only the colours are diferent.So you try to say that the red colour is more expensive than the blue colour:D
I was ask the prices for Samurai because i have some monney and i wannt to build an collection,so i was thinking to start buying some Zulu war from WBritain,or wild west or Alamo from King and Country or Samurai from First legion.It is an immportant question for me because i have monney only for one collection so now is the time for me to choose which i will start and than i will build a collection for long time.I wish i can buy all that figures but i must to decide it for only one collection so that i can build properly or i can buy a few figures from one company and few figures for another company which will look funny on display to have batles between Zulus and Samurai attacking together cowboys,Alamo,Rourke's drift,...:Dthis will really look funny :D but on the other hand i was thinking maybe i can really just enjoy in a good figure no matter from which perios is it and no matter if she "go allong" with the topic
Aleš;178348 said:
Well we didnt quite understand each other.When i say funny prices i was not think that French 40 usd is funny and Britains 45 is not funny,but oposite.I was think why not make Britains figures also 40 and not French 45.Because i think the sculpting and everything is kind of the same of both figures only the colours are diferent.So you try to say that the red colour is more expensive than the blue colour:D
I was ask the prices for Samurai because i have some monney and i wannt to build an collection,so i was thinking to start buying some Zulu war from WBritain,or wild west or Alamo from King and Country or Samurai from First legion.It is an immportant question for me because i have monney only for one collection so now is the time for me to choose which i will start and than i will build a collection for long time.I wish i can buy all that figures but i must to decide it for only one collection so that i can build properly or i can buy a few figures from one company and few figures for another company which will look funny on display to have batles between Zulus and Samurai attacking together cowboys,Alamo,Rourke's drift,...:Dthis will really look funny :D but on the other hand i was thinking maybe i can really just enjoy in a good figure no matter from which perios is it and no matter if she "go allong" with the topic

You are talking quite different periods of history here, samurai and zulus would look a bit strange.Its better to stick to your favourite period of history then you wont have funny looking battle scenes or dioramas. I think Matt is trying to explain that when they produced the french first line figures it was cheaper for them to produce than when they produced the british figures hence the price difference. Costs go up with everything,obviously if they cost more to produce then they have to charge more.
But if you want the best sculpted and painted figures on the market then i would collect first legions.
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well yes it was just a joke.
But now seriously i didnt know about this company before.But now i see they are really interested to me,this Samurai really are good so i was thinking to start collecting them.Can anyone tell me from which country is the company First Legion?
Is this from USA or from some European countrys?
I will like to know because of the shipment cost,and delivery waiting?
And also i am interested how can i pay for their products if i do not wannt to use my credit card(long story!) so can i pay like by western union or from cash in the bank on their account or by post collect,...?
This company start to interested to me so i will be happy to hear more news about them.Do they have any magazine like WBritains have,so i can see their products,and do they have any membership,like club figure and stuff?
well yes it was just a joke.
But now seriously i didnt know about this company before.But now i see they are really interested to me,this Samurai really are good so i was thinking to start collecting them.Can anyone tell me from which country is the company First Legion?
Is this from USA or from some European countrys?
I will like to know because of the shipment cost,and delivery waiting?
And also i am interested how can i pay for their products if i do not wannt to use my credit card(long story!) so can i pay like by western union or from cash in the bank on their account or by post collect,...?
This company start to interested to me so i will be happy to hear more news about them.Do they have any magazine like WBritains have,so i can see their products,and do they have any membership,like club figure and stuff?

Have a lookat the website

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