The Andy's. (1 Viewer)


Jan 3, 2012
Here are Andy's top three selections from the Dio comp held at the Brisbane K&C dinner last Saturday evening.

American War of Independence Ambush (KC) (FarmerTony) - Andy's First Choice
Western Front trench (mix JJ/KC) - (Norman508a) - Andy's 2nd Choice and also Won People's Choice (see next post for images)
Gallipoli trench (mix JJ/KC) - Andy's 3rd choice​

Wayne c/- Brett.​
Judges Choices

German Snow Patrol (KC) - Won Judges First Choice (welcome to our new forum member Norman508a)
Nelsons Navy (mix KC, JJ guns and Forward March) - Judges 2nd Choice
Medieval (KC) - Mark IV - Judges 3rd Choice
Note in the close up pic of the Medieval dio a new Knight made a brief appearance but he was not part of the competition.
I must say it is lucky the Judges decision was final. It was a bit of a worry that one of Fitzgibbons guests was his optometrist ! If there had been any competant lawyers in the room that might normally be good grounds for an appeal.

Wayne. C/- Brett.
Peoples Choice

Western Front trench (mix JJ/KC) - forum member Norman508a - Won People's Choice and Andy's 2nd Choice
Berlin Parade (KC, conversions on the flags) - forum member Ray - People's Choice 2nd
German Snow Patrol (KC) - forum member Norman508a - People's Choice 3rd but kindly declined it and prize will go to
Indian canoe (JJ) - forum member Sapper
Some more pics of other entrants to come tomorrow.

Wayne c/- Brett.

All these are exemplary Wayne, the trench is my personal fave.

I would hope a Diorama Contest will be part of next year's Texas Show as well !


One never knows...Andy was visibly impressed with the effect it produced. Wouldn't take much of a shove...but it needs an organiser...any volunteers? :confused:
In defense of my eyesight, I was wearing my new specs and they are great:cool:. For the record, the out-of-place green plant life showing through the snow on that winning entry was noticed but it did not totally squash the many extra details such as the scratch built plough and the interior detailed room on the corner. The story-telling was complex and plausible. But not a lot of points separated the first ten competitors :salute::. This will grow in size and skill development over the coming year.
The whole idea was to create interest and involvement in dioramas and thus engender more than just passive collecting, it did I think go some way to achieving that here at the Brisbane dinner as the amount of entries testifies. My highlight was the look of surprise on Farmer Tony's face when Andy awarded his effort the inaugural (Gold) ANDY. Maybe considering whose concept it was should we call them the 'BOB'S'........:wink2:
All very nice dioramas, but keeping with my heart I vote for the winter WWII dio, very nice detail, troops movement and the winter cover all look spot on...Sammy
The whole idea was to create interest and involvement in dioramas and thus engender more than just passive collecting, it did I think go some way to achieving that here at the Brisbane dinner as the amount of entries testifies. My highlight was the look of surprise on Farmer Tony's face when Andy awarded his effort the inaugural (Gold) ANDY. Maybe considering whose concept it was should we call them the 'BOB'S'........:wink2:
Surprised I surely was.This and my Jacobite diorama(on the JJD small dioramas thread) were my first efforts at diorama making.After I had set up and had a look at the competition,I thought,"Well I've had a lot of fun here,but I'll chalk this one up to experience".May I say while I'm here that the dinner was a terrific experience-I renewed some old acquaintances,met a number of great new friends,had a few good conversations,learned some new things(especially about diorama making) and even won a prize!Many thanks to all those involved in organizing this event.Well done those men.
Well done Farmertony, my wife was talking about how much she liked your dioramas on the drive home after setting up my own dioramas.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone that was involved in organizing the night, i cannot wait until next year to see what people bring to display.
Well done Farmertony, my wife was talking about how much she liked your dioramas on the drive home after setting up my own dioramas.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone that was involved in organizing the night, i cannot wait until next year to see what people bring to display.

Thanks to you and your wife for the kind comments.Yes,I too am looking forward to next year.

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