The aryans and the mythic Thule (1 Viewer)


In the Cooler
Mar 17, 2012
Between 2000 and 1400 BC, a mysterious people came down from the north and, spreading into two parts, invaded the Indian subcontinent and Greece, giving rise to two of the greatest civilizations that ever existed.They were the Aryans, the Arya (noble). Their original language was Sanskrit and it should be noted that in this language can be expressed philosophical concepts that would be impossible to express in many modern languages, except maybe German. The great Greek philosophers, Plato in particular, derived their philosophical systems of ancient knowledge brought by the Aryans. In india came the Indo-Aryan civilization with its sacred texts, the Vedas and the Upanishads, in which human thought has reached the highest peaks of philosophical speculation. Aryan origin will then also Buddhism.
Who they were and where they came from the Aryans? The geographer and explorer Pytheas greek speaks for the first time the legendary island of Thule in which the sun shone for six months a year, and which was about six days of navigation from present Scotland. This island was inhabited by a legendary people, the Hyperboreans. These would be guardians of a Philosophical Primordial Tradition that would inherit the civilization of Atlantis has disappeared. Thule is also mentioned in "Geography" of Ptolemy, and many other ancient works. Scholars tend to identify the island with Iceland or Greenland that in a distant past would have had relations with Atlantis, before it was swallowed up by the waters. In the lands around the pole actually the day lasts six months and the night likewise.
Driven by climate change, the Hyperboreans, led by their leaders (the Arya), left the mythical Thule and migrated south to warmer countries, bringing with them their ancient knowledge. Apparently they settled for a long time in Russia and Central Asia, where they were already called Arians. In a second moment they descended still further south, giving rise to the migration of which has been said before.
The myth of this population Hyperborean is in the tradition of many other peoples such as the American Indians and the Chinese, but it is especially in the Tibet monasteries that still remain in secret documents about those events (Tibet, given its altitude, it would remained completely unscathed from the Great Flood). No coincidence that in 1938 Hitler sent an expedition to Tibet with the intention of discovering the origins of the Aryan race. Note that the Nazis adopted the swastika as a symbol was originally the ancestral symbol of the Aryan race. On the other hand Hitler, even before he came to power was a member of the initiatory company "Thule", whose members were convinced of the World division into two civilizations: the Aristocratic of the Aryans and the Matriarchy of the Mediterranean peoples and the Dravidians of ' India, both subject by the Arians. In today's world, however, the Matriarchy civilization has overtaken it.

In the years between the two world wars, many scholars began to argue that to explain a number of convergences and correspondences of symbols, anthropological data and philological, etc., It is necessary to admit the existence of a primordial Nordic race, and towards the Age Stone from the Arctic regions would move to the south, giving rise to the highest forms of a civilization of cosmic-solar type in contrast with the prehistoric Cività "southern" characterized by the great mother cults.
According to these scholars would have existed a polar dwelling, primitive home of the Nordic race, which had developed a sort of civilization from "Golden Age" (would correspond, according to the latest research, an interglacial period "hot" placed between 40,000 and 28,000 BC). Note that the same scientific definition of "Ice Age" is the "era of geologic time when the polar ice caps are covered by ice." This suggests that the interglacial eras in the polar ice caps were totally or partially free of ice.
According to the German scholar Herman Felix Wirth (as a member of Himmler's secret society Ahnenerbe), a large amount of geological, climatic and truly impressive botanical showed as then, between 70 and 80 degrees north latitude, there was an average annual temperature comparable to a temperate climate (about 10 degrees Celsius, compared to 20 below zero current at those latitudes) and that this territory had also included Iceland, Greenland and Spitzbergen Islands.
It was the polar Atlantis, Thule, the sacred home of the first humanity. Humanity that therefore, according to Wirth, was born in a "Tertiary" period, long before the arrival of a strong glaciation (from 28,000 BC - last phase of the Wurm) who had thus forced the inhabitants of this Eden to migrate to South Pole , to form later the Atlantis platoniana that we all know (15000-9000 BC approximately).
The end of the Wurm, the sudden rise of the seas, along with other natural catastrophes (the Flood) had forced the survivors of Atlantis to Aryan diaspora in Europe, Asia, northwest Africa and America.
The swastika.
Unfortunately today this symbol has taken on a negative connotation since it was adopted by the Nazis, but in reality, it is the oldest symbol of Humanity.
We find this symbol given already in the Neolithic period (12,000 years ago) and later in Iran, in Europe, in Russia, in Tibet, China, Mongolia and India, but also in America and even in Africa prehistoric.
The word "swastika" comes from Sanskrit, the language of the Indo-Aryans who settled in the Indian subcontinent around 2,000 BC, and its literal meaning has had so many different interpretations
Between 2000 and 1400 BC, a mysterious people came down from the north......They were the Aryans, the Arya (noble). Their original language was Sanskrit and it should be noted that in this language can be expressed philosophical concepts that would be impossible to express in many modern languages, except maybe German. The great Greek philosophers, Plato in particular, derived their philosophical systems of ancient knowledge brought by the Aryans. In india came the Indo-Aryan civilization with its sacred texts, the Vedas and the Upanishads, in which human thought has reached the highest peaks of philosophical speculation. .....

Thanks so much for the information as I have now been able to use it to trace my lineage on back to 1500 BC so far.
My goal is to trace to Apollo. The family resemblance is there.

The swastika was a positive sign: here below "the Buddha print"

Sikri, II-III sec. D.C., Lahore Museum (Pakistan).

In the rank you see the wheel of the Dharma and, below, the "Triratna" (the Three Jewelery: the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha).


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