The Charge of the Light Brigade 1968 version (1 Viewer)

The Military Workshop

1st Lieutenant
Jul 31, 2005
Finally saw this again after about 30+ years (available in JB Hi Fi $13.99).

Great British cast : John Gielgud (Lord Raglan Commander of the Army), Harry Andrews (Lord Lucan the Commander of the Cavalry), Trevor Howard (brilliant as Lord Cardigan commander of the Light Brigade), David Hemmings (CAPT Nolan the message carrier) and Vanessa Redgrave.

Good background to why the Crimean War was so badly run. Officers buying rank and Regiments. Contempt towards the experienced officers who had served in India. The infamous Black Bottle incident in the Mess (although not actualy Nolan). Great exaggerated stiff upper lip accents. Poor relationship between Cardigan and his brother in law Lucan who was his senior officer (said Lucan "could not command a tent"). Tent raising scene. Some good Mess and Barrack scenes. Charge not too bad considering no computers to create it. Also use of cartoon animation to show the political situation.

Worth a look if you have not seen it.

It is a good one. Thought it was very clever with the animation and it was a pretty decent history lesson. Didn't care for the red trousers on all the regiments but I guess one can overlook artistic license for the greater good.:p Quite enjoyed the charge itself. -- Al

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