The Collector's Showcase Figure Size? (1 Viewer)


Jun 23, 2013
I have been aware of Collector's Show Case Figures for a number of years. I collect/paint figures in the 54mm scale. many of the them being by Metal Modeles, Le Cimier and Britain's. How do First legion compare size wise. I do not wish to but and find the look far too big the way King and Country would.
Now shop or dealer near to where I live so do not want to buy and by the net and find out the hard way.
Comments welcome as would be a picture comparison.

Hi Blackbob,

the TCS ACW series fit well with the K&C ACW pieces, in my opinion. I frequently mix them in dioramas.
Although TCS are marketed as 54-56mm, there isn't much difference from 60mm K&C.
Britains tend to be a bit more slender, but there again I have just sat a couple of my Britains Zulu war next to my TCS civil war for comparison and there isn't much difference in scale.

im not familiar with Le Cimier and Metal Modeles, but if they are fractionally smaller than Britains, then I think TCS will be too much of a stretch.

the small TCS Zulu range I find chunky...60mm

the other TCS ranges such as WW2 and ancients I cant comment on as do not have. I know there are a number of threads showing differences in armor scale with TCS and K&C.

hope this helps a bit.
I don't know about Le Cimier and Metal Modeles. In all the Napoleonic, Greek and Roman lines I have, FL and Britains figures are the same size and well proportioned in body and weapons. They are about 54-56 mm to the eyes. They are noticeably smaller in height and girth than K&C or TG. For Napoleonics and Roman/Barbarians, TCS is slightly shorter that FL and Britains but has the same girth as K&C.

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