The end of the world. (1 Viewer)

Simpson & his donkey.

Sergeant Major
Feb 28, 2007
Well guess what were still here. I find it strange that people get sucked into this time and time again. These occult leaders have the gift to brain wash people into selling everthing they own and give it to these occults in the believe they will be chosen to go to heaven. What about the rest of you guy's are you ok or is it the end of the world in your country. Simmo.:salute::
Believe it or not I will be in a church today selling some of my pewter figures at a craft fair.

See my blog...
It's supposed to begin at 6 PM in your time zone starting in New Zealand. Tick Tick Tick...
But the beginning of it was suppose to start late Friday night.
The world ended in Canada this morning, but due to an imminent postal strike believed to have been concocted by Rob "Lost Letter" Wilson, notices had not been sent out. So most Canadians are unaware the world has ended and are going about their Saturday shopping as if nothing had happened. Government officials are scrambling to come up with a way to get the word out, but because of a national election 2 weeks ago, Canadians are still tuning out their politicians so they are having almost no success getting through to the public.
Prime Minister Harper fears that with Canada Post on strike and politicians still being tuned out, there may be no way to advise Canadians that the world has ended. A final desperate attempt to get the word out to Canadians was made through the US television networks but most Canadians are busy watching the Stanley Cup hockey finals. And the few Canadians watching the US networks just thought the end of the world broadcast was another made for TV movie of the week disaster movie.

PM Harper was quoted as saying that it would be a shame if Canadians could not participate in the end of the world. Although there are some miraculous signs of the end of the world that may show Canadians that the end of the world has arrived - Like the IXEC lying down with the Maddadicus. No wait - they're just rolling around on the ground fighting. {sm2}

A national pity because the next end of the world is not expected until June 4, 2024.

No end of the world here. I just can't figure out where everyone else went.^&confuse -- Al
Nope still here on the West Coast:)...guess I'm off to make Matt some money:) even with the world in doubt of exsistence still gotta have priorities man!!...Sammy
Thank goodness that there is a mansion in heaven with many rooms in it. Guess my Toys can go with me, then...:wink2:Michael
I think it's the end of the world on this Forum lately ^&grin
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said upon being told of the end of the world in October 1844 : "I don't need it anyway"!

Bosun Al
As james jones once wrote about torpedo 8,,as he was dying of cancer,,when your absolute end is a few yards out there in front of you staring at you,,,,there is an almost surreal,,social,,almost masochistic,sexual,social joy that can keep you going that last few yards,,,unfortunatly my version as im too lazy to get the novel,WW2 ,off my shelf,,im having a few rum and cokes thinking about it all ,,do bring it on.Actually id rather take part in the last bayonet charge..Bromhead out.
Due to bad economy
the occult leaders couln't cash in
so it has been postbone
Due to bad economy
the occult leaders couln't cash in
so it has been postbone

Is it just a coincidence that your post was number 666? I live in New Hampshire; the end of the world came here decades ago, the residents just don't know it yet. I do find it interesting that although these "evangelists" were claiming the end of the world, they were still taking donations...meh!
A friend of mine was having troubles finding Apocalypse Day cards. I suggested he try the Ragnarok section. Also California did not slip into the Pacific. However our former Govenor has admitted to going celibate. So maybe the end is near.{sm0}

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