The Eyes of Eagles (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 22, 2009

The Eyes of Eagles

*An eagle's flight from the top of the world's tallest building to his handler below. An eagle was fitted with a camera and released from the top of the 2,715 foot Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai.

The eagle has no idea where the tiny speck of land was that his handler is standing on or what it looked like among all of the other islands and buildings and people. Somehow from that altitude, the eagle actually picks out and recognizes the trainer from all of the other objects, people, etc. You can see him looking, looking, looking for the trainer, completely invisible to a human eye and the camera, then fold his/her wings and then drops like a bullet straight to that trainer... very cool.

What surprised the experts is not only how efficiently the eagle spots his trainer from that altitude, but how smooth its flight is with no camera shake whatsoever, even when it goes into a power dive.

There are a great number of Eagles here in Maine. I see them sitting hundreds of feet up in treetops, scanning the surrounding area. Sometimes I view them circling high above a field searching, searching .... then (like the video) drop from the sky like a Stuka, and snatch up a tiny mole or mouse.

I always wondered how good their eye sight was .... but NEVER ..{eek3} .. envisioned anything like this video shows.

THANK you for finding and sharing this.

--- LaRRy

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