You're right Brad, the Tradition figures work well with this new line from Britains. As a matter of fact when I received the Britain figures yesterday, I placed my newly painted Indian (Tradition casting) with them and here is the result.
Paulo, You're right. The Indian warrior looks good but the way he's holding the Brit hat concerns me. It makes the storyline (in my head) too committed. Also the franches de La Marine figure concerns me because of the raised leg. It looks a bit odd in the photos. It's too bad, because I'd love to have franches de La Marine. If you or anyone else gets those figures, please share your impressions. Maybe I've got it wrong.
I can say that the French Militia figure is really beautiful, front and back and it's exactly the same for the French Volontaires Etrangers, Louisburg, 1758. As good as it gets. Britain has come a long way in the last five years. I plan a small diorama at the entrance to Montreal or Louisburg with the four figures discussing the time of day.
A good day to you all.