"The Homers of Prout's Neck" (1 Viewer)


Feb 24, 2007
This photograph shows 19th C American artist Winslow Homer with his younger brother Arthur and his family at their summer retreat at Prout's Neck, Maine. Homer's brother and his family live in Galveston, Texas where he is a prominent businessman. During the summer months they like to escape the Texas heat for the rocky shores of Maine, where Winslow has his studio.

From left to right:

Nursemaid Mary O'Donnell (originally from Dublin, Ireland) holding Arthur's youngest son Charles, Arthur Benson Homer, Alice Patch Homer his wife, Winslow Homer, Winslow's dog Sam and Arthur's oldest son Arthur Patch Homer.

Figures by Wm Hocker


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This photograph shows 19th C American artist Winslow Homer with his younger brother Arthur and his family at their summer retreat at Prout's Neck, Maine. Homer's brother and his family live in Galveston, Texas where he is a prominent businessman. During the summer months they like to escape the Texas heat for the rocky shores of Maine, where Winslow has his studio.

From left to right:

Nursemaid Mary O'Donnell (originally from Dublin, Ireland) holding Arthur's youngest son Charles, Arthur Benson Homer, Alice Patch Homer his wife, Winslow Homer, Winslow's dog Sam and Arthur's oldest son Arthur Patch Homer.

Figures by Wm Hocker
Outstanding photos Randy.
These little metal figures are deceptively simple and have a lot of possibilities to tell a story. You could put Winslow Homer in my town of Gloucester as well getting inspiration.

"As a result of disappointments with women or from some other emotional turmoil, Homer became reclusive in the late 1870s, no longer enjoying urban social life and living instead in Gloucester. For a while, he even lived in secluded Eastern Point Lighthouse (with the keeper’s family). In re-establishing his love of the sea, Homer found a rich source of themes while closely observing the fishermen, the sea, and the marine weather."

From Wikipedia

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