Another quick one guys. I am told this is the K&C Chinese Junk. I do not see any markings on it but it is beautiful and so well made. Are there any figures available that would be suited to it as in Chinese Sailors?
yep Mike, K&C commissioned this boat, was talk of doing a Pirate one also. No figures supplied. Some of the existing range of IC or SOHK may fit. Robin.
That is in fact a K&C junk. There are no figures that really go with it. I ended up putting some of the Imperial Chinese sets on mine. You can see them here, in my other thread:
Thank you all for your interest and words. Zblang your Hong Kong scene you posted is just stupendous. I have a long way to go to put out something like that. The Chinese Junk is so versatile as I think they were around from say 1100 AD and you can as many of you stated put a variety of figures on it. Thanks for the ideas and I will try and come up with a future scene, Mike.
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