The Magic of K&C (1 Viewer)

Tony Neville

Command Sergeant Major
Nov 9, 2005

Many of my trips to HK are without my family.

So with a little nagging from 'er indoors' i took my wife and two kids.

What was really cool was taking them into the master paint room at K&C office and let them watch the two guys painting the up an coming stuff. Andy showed them the unpainted masters of.............. wwoooopppsss nearly

Luke my son was amazed by the skill of these guys and was really into what he saw. I also explained how lucky he was to be there and seeing the great stuff that nobody will see for a few months. We also watched the guys working on the design of the box.

We also took a trip to the shop and even my little girl got into the swing of things and liked the SoOHK stuff. Jane my wife.........took a bee line straight for the St Pete Stuff that Andy sells in the shop. Talk about find the most exspensive thing in a shop........iam sure she has a radar for it.

All three of them loved the trip and the K&C experience and now like where daddy goes on business

And boy oh boy you guys will love what is to come


Your teasing us now mate.I think we might have to get the sauce flowing at the show,see if we can't loosen up some secrets;)

Nope no chance and my son and daughter are under strict instructions as well.

But with the main man there he willhave pics and some masters iam sure

With just about three weeks to go i guess you guys are really busy,will some of your dio's at the show end up in your new showroom?.

Maybe 2008 will be even better than 2007?


I have to do a lot more new dios for the show room. we are looking at at least 30!!

Those of you who get to London over the coming weeks may also get to see a very nice comission in HAMLEYS main entrance!!

I'll have to check Hamleys out,any excuse!.Also next year hope to make a pilgrimage to your showroom.:)

HAMLEYS front entrance display.........looking at a couple fo weeks from now!

Hong kong,lucky kids,in my day furthest i got was a trip to end of the road!:D
Tony. You're a lucky fellow. I think the best I'll be able is to send my ashes over with someone, in an old K&C shopping bag and have 'em dumped on the door step.
What was really cool was taking them into the master paint room at K&C office and let them watch the two guys painting the up an coming stuff. Andy showed them the unpainted masters of.............. wwoooopppsss nearly


Unpainted masters of anti-market garden germans?:D:D:D
Already getting a good feeling about 2008!

Hong kong,lucky kids,in my day furthest i got was a trip to end of the road!:D

Oooh aye cos we ad it tooff. Fur't we travellt were shoebox..middle ot road. We'd gerup crack o dorn eat 6 arnfuls hot gruvel an go work mill an pay millowner f privilidge wooooorkin...

Oooh aye cos we ad it tooff. Fur't we travellt were shoebox..middle ot road. We'd gerup crack o dorn eat 6 arnfuls hot gruvel an go work mill an pay millowner f privilidge wooooorkin...


Kevin (Panda1gen) can do the skit verbatim (over and over again, I might add, he is a bit of a one trick pony).
Its in the blood.At school it was Maths,History,English,Monty Python.


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