Our next derivation of the GSW is
with the addition of 2 church pews no less we have added 6 figures, on their way to the front or perhaps going on leave.
Tommy reading the newspaper
Tommy drinking from his canteen
Tommy smoking
Tommy grabbing 40 winks
Tommy arms folded talking to
Tommy holding rifle.
A nice little story of its own.
Priced at £210 ( USD 295) This set is available in Khaki or Camo
enquiries to info@themodelarmoury.co.uk
with the addition of 2 church pews no less we have added 6 figures, on their way to the front or perhaps going on leave.
Tommy reading the newspaper
Tommy drinking from his canteen
Tommy smoking
Tommy grabbing 40 winks
Tommy arms folded talking to
Tommy holding rifle.
A nice little story of its own.
Priced at £210 ( USD 295) This set is available in Khaki or Camo
enquiries to info@themodelarmoury.co.uk