The Powder River Patrol... (2 Viewers)

Von Richter.

Apr 10, 2019
The Powder River Patrol had been pushing their horses hard, bringing the word to settlers. to make their way to Fort Starke, Corporal Blaine made the call to unsaddle, hobble and feed their mounts, while they investigated the abandoned village...

"Corporal, looksee!"

Shouted Trooper Twoflags.


Replied the Corporal.

"Saddle and mount up boys."

"I'm a suspicioned we'll be makin' us a rapid ree-treat!"

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Hostile eyes are watching!

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The Canyon of Doom...

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Not every snake, slithering along the Canyon of Death, has two legs!


. The cards may well prove a cruel Mistress.


The outcome of this 'ere shindig may well come down to the power of the single action .45 calibre Army Colt

The panicky Troopers rush to saddle up, Just as Corporal Blayne gives the order to mount up, Rifles roar and arrow whistle! Blayne stumbles as he takes an arrow,


Tpr. Whistle's horse drags him off his feet, and bolts away.


Against the odds, the wounded Corporal and Tpr. Twoflags, mount up.


Bugler Courtney quickly joins them.


The intrepid Tpr. Tyree not only mounts, but remains cool enough to catch the packs.

Young Tpr. Coconut, a greenhorn mounts, in a funk he abandons his bunkie, Tpr. Whistle!


Howling, bronzed warpainted savages fall on the luckless Whistle.


Whistle's no greenhorn, he's an old sweat, quickly sending the Braves to the Happy Hunting Grounds.


But this night, Whistle goes home by a road he does not know. Overwhelmed he leaves a circle of dead Injuns around him, before biting the dust.

The true face of the Plains Wars!


Standing tall, The Great lame Beaver gives the signal to charge. He leaps aboard his finest pony, now the chase is on!
Whooping Braves race their pony's to catch the patrol.




With his patrol now well in hand Corporal Blayne increases the pace. The heavy Cavalry horses are sadly no match for the fleet Injun pony's.


The troopers unload their pistols, thinning the Braves. The Braves's bloods up though, in the swirling dust, first Tyree and then Corporal Blayne himself are dragged from their mounts by screeching Redmen!



An excellently mounted Trooper Twoflags aviods the same fate. Running for the Canyon of Doom.


Corporal Blayne and Tpr. Tyree are soon back in the saddle, in the swirling dust, they get a break on. Both Tprs Coconut and Courtney are less fortunate, shot from their saddles, they're quickly overwhelmed.


Despite being grievously wounded, both dying Troopers face one final indignity.


Deaspite being hampered by the packhorse Tpr. Tyree negotiates the Canyon of Doom.


Tpr. Twoflags and a flagging Corporal Blayne reach the Canyon of Doom.


But it's here that Blayne's wound takes it's toll, climbing from the Canyon he falls from his mount. The Great Lame Beaver whoops in triumph! The Corporal waves his empty pistol, and draws his hunting knife. The Indian Chief hesitates for a second, he's not to know, Blayne's pistol is empty. He knows the Bluecoats with the yellow warpaint on their arms have powerful medicine. Being a War Chief of the Cheyenne is greater medicine, he charges!



Almost upon the Corporal, The Great Lame Beaver drags his pony, slithering to a halt. Clear and loud comes the sound of a *buggel in the afternoon!
The Cheyenne Warrior glowers at a defiant Blanye. In a swirl of dust the War party vanishes from sight. Corporal Blayne holsters his Colt, and gathers the Patrol's survivors around him. From another dust cloud, Captain Brittles and C Troop emerge. The Captain dismounts, two of his Troopers, support the injured Corporal...

"Report Corporal."

"Sir, we reached the rendezvous as ordered, you weren't there!"

"I wanted to be Corporal, carry on."

Corporal Blayne made his report, emphasising Tpr. Tyree's gallantry in saving the packs full of ammunition. Captain Brittles nodded in acknowledgement.

"Good report, go on yer record. Ought to make Sergeant in two to five years."

Back on the Plains, The Great Lame Beaver climbs the Spirit Mountain. He sings a victory song to the Great God Manitou.

Lower down the mountain, vultures decide it's teatime!


Lower down the mountain, vultures decide it's teatime!



*Forty years ago my son had just started learning to read. They used to put old Cavalry and Injun films on in the afternoon back then. What's this one called, I asked the lad...

"Buggels in the Afternoon, Dad!"

* * * * * *

Do Massacree mean wot I think it do?
It Do!!!
The Red River Patrol have set up camp by a dried up Gulch. None of the Patrol being aware the Redman is on the rampage! Even so their Sergeant's an old sweat, two Troopers are detailed as lookouts.





Not a moment too soon, Cheyenne Dog Soldiers break cover!



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An excellent Carbine shot drops a Brave on the wing!


Trooper Smith matches his Bunkie's shot with one of his own!

A shower of arrows whistle back in reply, both lookouts taking one each.


Trooper Yorke catches his straight through the whistlepipe!

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The heavy hitting Cavalry Carbines stop several Braves in their tracks.



Disaster strikes the Troopers. One after another their Carbines jam, the cartridge case rim separate from the case.


Leaving the heavy weapons useless. By the time the Troopers draw their sidearm's the Braves are on them!

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A last volley of arrows and the Savages close!

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A desperate life or death struggle as the Patrol's camp is overrun.

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In short order only the Bugler's left standing. He breaks free and sprints for the rocks.

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Last man standing, Trooper Smith on the bluff, resolves to take as many of the howling Savages with him. He falls to The Great Lame Beaver's War Lance.

Triumphant yelping Dog Soldiers mob the wounded Trooper. He too is butchered and scalped.

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After the orgy of scalping and massacre, the Braves ransack the enemy camp. The Great Lame Beaver takes the packhorse and fills his War Party's hands with ammunition.

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As the dust of the fight settles the Braves begin a War Dance. The Great Lame Beaver mounts, and gallops away. He's soon back up the Spirit Mountain, giving it large to Manitou!


Sudro's Wells.

The Stage Station is being watched from cover by hate filled eyes. The Great Lame Beaver hasn't got to be the Cheyenne's most famous Warchief, without learning a thing or two. The wave of easy pickings, his War Party, have enjoyed so far haven't made him overconfident. He knows the White Eyes retribution will be swift, and his people will suffer. He's worked out it's time for a few bargaining chips, in the way of captives. This raid's no killing raid, it's aim is to rush Sudro's Wells and take old man Sudro, and his wife and daughter hostage. He knows when his camp is discovered by the Long Knives, white captives will make them less likely to mount an all out attack.

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A Whippoorwills calls, another answers, the signal to attack has been given.


Chicken Hawk Squawking is a hot-blooded senior Dog Soldier. His group decide a bit of burning and raping's the order of the day!




What the raiders don't know is, a Cavalry Patrol spent last night in the Station's bunkhouse. Leading it is non other than C Troop's Top Sergeant Quincannon. He shouldn't really be leading a mere Patrol, but rank has it's privileges. Quincannon's been carry on with Mrs. Sudro for a long time, that's why he's here this fine morning!


The Sergeant is strolling to breakfast as he hears a Whippoorwill, his Carbine's in his shoulder in a blink.


The rest of the Patrol make do with hardtack and jerky.


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Yipping Braves racing toward the Station cancel vittles!


The fight's soon on.


Bugler Snook does excellent work with his Carbine.


But, there's too many Injuns!


Troopers Clowne and Chaplin are put to the Tomahawk!

A screeching bronzed, and war painted Savage leaps up to the bunkhouse roof and fells Bugler Snook.


Snook rolls to his feet and smashes the Brave's skull with the heavy Cavalry Bugle.


Leaping down the ladder Snook then attacks another Brave. It's a bad idea, a gore spattered Tomahawk, fells the gallant Bugler.


The patrol's stand buys enough time for Sergeant Quincannon to enter the Station's main building. He barricades the door and windows, forted up the Sergeant and Sudro climb through the trapdoor onto the roof.


The Warchief orders his Warriors to torch the door! Giving the Sergeant an easy mark. His first shot wounds The Great Lame Beaver! His second kills a Brave with a well placed headshot...

Old man Sudro's fighting for his family, he spots Chickenhawk Squawking racing toward the burning door. Both barrels of the old man's roar. Squawking's squawked his last squawk!


With their two greatest warriors in the dust the Braves falter, the Sergeant has powerful Medicine! The Great Lame Beaver climbs to his feet, roaring hatred and defiance, the inspired Warriors launch a volley of arrows at the roof. The effect is devastating!


Quincannon's wounded, old man Sudro takes three shafts in the chest, and summersaults lifeless from the roof. The door burns down and the Redmen are in.




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