The Real West - the weekend has started early (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Jan 8, 2015
Good morning from a very windy Wairarapa valley in New Zealand. We have had glorious weather over the past eight weeks or so with drought conditions but it had to break at some point and the rain has started to fall.

Good news for the farmers!

Its also a public holiday in NZ with Waitangi day celebrating the signing of the treaty between the Crown and Maori tribes in the 1840's. Of course the treaty was broken and resulted in the New Zealand Land Wars. I have some Regal figures from this conflict so will try to do a diorama over the long weekend on this subject. Not probably a conflict K&C would cover as sales would be somewhat limited!

Of course the USA had their own wars against indigenous peoples in the great land grab and I came late to the party with the Real West Figures from the 1850's era. As they were deleted I bought up most of the figures (as it was not a particularly large range). They were actually very nicely done. I have yet to dip into the Battle of the Little Big Horn as I have the Black Hawk range from a few years ago but I am sure these are wonderful figures too. So one day I may focus some hard earned cash in this direction.



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The uniforms of the dragons are the best of the cavalry during the Indian Wars. It is a pity that K & C does not release more figures. I wish a military bugle mounted and dismounted soldiers.


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