The Tillman Story (1 Viewer)

It's pro-Pat Tillman and critical of the Army's treatment and cover up of his death by friendly fire.
It's pro-Pat Tillman and critical of the Army's treatment and cover up of his death by friendly fire.

Really hard to be pro Army in relationship to the Tillman scandal. Hopefully a few careers were ended when the truth came out.:mad:
Really hard to be pro Army in relationship to the Tillman scandal. Hopefully a few careers were ended when the truth came out.:mad:

Agreed. Unfortunately, I do not think they were. I had picked up a book on Ranger Tillman- "Boots on the ground by dawn". Unfortunately it was destroyed in my house fire but it looked like it got into this whole incident.

I know from what I have read and gathered, the Rangers body was put on fire in some really disgusting attempt to cover up something. I was really really emotionally affected when I read this- I couldn't imagine being the father of Ranger Tillman and discovering that his buddies tried to burn him. A very very dark day in the valiant history of our Rangers. I just cannot wrap my mind around that. It shocks me on so many different levels- how his fellow Rangers could let that happen is just beyond me. Mission First--Soldiers ALWAYS!! :mad::mad:
I may be wrong as a while since I read about it but didn't he die by friendly fire and that was why the cover up ?. Was he not also awarded a Bronze Star for the "action" in which he died.

Whatever happened you have to admire Tillman giving up his football career to join up.

Will look out for it.

The film explains the incident though recreation and computer graphics. The film might make you mad but not depressed.
A note of interest was Ranger Pat Tillman was part of the Jessica Lynch rescue.

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