The wonderful world of Thomas Gunn (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Jan 8, 2015
A few years back I used to get a few TG figures as gap fillers for my main collecting habits with other manufactures - not any more!


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Currently TG is a big player for me too, one of the three that feed my addiction. You are covering a variety of series with them, which should satisfy your collecting habits, maybe.^&grin, Robin.
TG is great. Same as Robin they are 1 of 3 major players that I collect. Still waiting for my elephant though.
I think my elephant is flying at the moment and it's name is not Dumbo^&grin, Robin.
Always been impressed with their wood aircraft. They are real pieces of artwork. -- Al
I think TG are a very innovative company but maybe too much so. I know a lot of collectors like the variation in shields for Roman and Greek figures and some are very striking but i like uniformity with my figures. They start too look messy with a group and you start to wonder what side is what. Especially the Cypriot figures that look like they should be on the Spartan side with their similar shaped helmets. I think if TG didn't produce so many variations in limited numbers and more figures in standard form then collectors would have more time to purchase these on limited budgets. I'm looking forward to the Immortal releases rather than the Egyptian and Cypriot figures that i have bought in small numbers. For me, they will be a more suitable opponent for my Spartans and i would buy these in mass. These are my personal thoughts and i just think TG are releasing many figures too quickly. Regards Greg.
I always look out for their WW I releases. They come up with interesting ideas and the sculpting is top notch. I just received five more figures.
I'm really getting into TG figures, they've got some really interesting ranges and I find I am buying more of them, they've released some great figures recently and even seduced me into finally collecting some ww2 figures namely their, Aussies and Japs for their War in the Pacific hopefully they'll be continuing with these for a while yet.
Shame they stopped doing the Para's as there was lots more they could of done with that line. if they were to release early war and Western Desert / Crete figures I'd add those in a shot !


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