Thief returns car after realizing child was inside (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 3, 2008
here's a strange little story in our daily news can't make this stuff up...

Thief returns car after realizing child was inside

By Chris Paschenko
The Daily News
Published November 17, 2010

GALVESTON — A man who stole a car left idling on the seawall returned and chastised the owners after realizing a child was inside, authorities said.

A Houston woman, 22, and her boyfriend took the child fishing with them early Tuesday in the 900 block of Seawall Boulevard, where a rock pier juts into the Gulf of Mexico, Galveston police said.

After taking all their equipment to the fishing spot, the woman decided the weather was too cold for her 2-year-old boy, Galveston police Capt. Jeff Heyse said.

“She went back to the car, seated the child inside and left the heater going, and then went to help her boyfriend with the fishing equipment,” Heyse said.

The woman planned to leave the child in the car only long enough to retrieve the fishing equipment, Heyse said.

Police suspect a homeless man was watching the couple and saw an opportunity to take the car. Police described the suspect as a black man dressed in black clothing.

The man got in the car and drove off. The car went through the light at 10th and Seawall, then turned around and came back, Heyse said.

When the man got out of the gray Mitsubishi Eclipse, the woman asked, “what the hell are you doing?,” Heyse said.

“The guy made comments about why would you leave your kid in the car,” Heyse said.

The woman called police at 5:15 a.m. but the suspect had fled, escaping capture, Heyse said.

“At 5:15 in the morning, the seawall is empty, and it feels like a safe place,” Heyse said.

The woman wasn’t cited for leaving her child unattended in the car.
Something like this happened here in Portugal a few days ago, the thief got into the car and got away with it with 2 anattended children inside, but then dropped them at a chemist's door a few miles away and left still driving the car. The kids were terrified and wouldn't take the chemist's offer to take them by car to their parent's home...

Stealing a car is one thing, kidnapping is quite another. Fortunately, the kidnappings in all of the sited cases were by accident and all of the children were returned quickly and safely. Those car theives had better check twice next time. They could all have been in for a kidnapping charge, accidental or otherwise. Where I live, that can carry the death penalty.

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