Thomus Gunn war elephant anyone heard when is it released (1 Viewer)


Mar 9, 2011
Hi all, anyone have updates on when the war
elephant will be released

I heard at the March LTSS TG stand that there was some concern about it's weight. (and the possibility of looking at a different material for the production Elephant.)

Could possibly affect the release date?

Given the weight quoted by TG, the shipping cost has got to be very high! I can see why they may wish to reconsider the material i.e. resin versus diecast metal.
I heard at the March LTSS TG stand that there was some concern about it's weight. (and the possibility of looking at a different material for the production Elephant.)

Could possibly affect the release date?


I mentioned this in an earlier post...
coming in at 7 pounds is pretty heavy...
Collector's Showcase elephant weighs 1 lb. 10 ozs...
I would prefer resin myself...
something lighter...
I'm getting one...

to which Vicki replied...

Hello Mike
Its a quality piece and we felt the only way to go was to have it in metal. The body is hollow by the way, but I never would have guessed it had I not seen a model kit sample the factory sent us images of recently.
The box is not that large so shipping is not too bad actually, if you buy 4 elephants from us then the cost is very reasonable on a pro rata basis!
Best wishes Vicki
Nothing is free. The price of the War Elephant will include the cost of shipping from TG to the distributor. TG has to make a profit and shipping is overhead that cannot be absorbed IMO.

Postage would be free from Treefrog though :)
Last newsletter suggested June as a possible release date. Up this week should be some Persians. Gary

needing some Persians really bad...
I'm being selective on the Spartans til I see an enemy...
don't want to end up with 100 Spartans and 20 Persians...
been down that road before...
The elephant is the price of the elephant no matter where you get it, so yes, it indeed is free shipping
Unless bc oversized it's not, but that's a different story
needing some Persians really bad...
I'm being selective on the Spartans til I see an enemy...
don't want to end up with 100 Spartans and 20 Persians...
been down that road before...

Mike don't worry the Persians are a total different kettle of fish compared to the Arabs from the FFL range, although we do intend to revisit this range at some point with improved painting and new figures.
We are already up to Persian serial number 11 including a very eye catching Xerxes with plans for plenty more. The first 5 Persians will be released this month. For those of you collecting the Romans we have 3 Dacians coming (more to follow) as well as a Celtic chariot with crew, all within the next 3 months or so.
The Testudo will also be here in the next 2 months and later there will be the Onager and Scorpion and yes I nearly forgot there will be some downward firing Roman archers for all of those who need them for their fort! Now if that is not enough to keep everybody happy then I am not sure what is? All that is missing is Roman Cavalry - anybody need some Roman Cavalry? I thought so, the first one of our mounted Romans also appears around August, more to follow I promise.

Best wishes Vicki

thanks...your upcoming Persians sound exciting...

I started collecting K&C's Hoplites and Spartans before you guys started developing your Spartan series...but sadly...Andy only made about 8 or so Persians...they are very nice...but not proportionate in numbers to the Greeks (maybe 20-25) he made...he has not re-visited this series in quite a while...and my combatants are disproportionate in number...

now collecting and adding your Spartans to the mix...I probably outnumber the Persians 4 to I'm anxious to get more Persians and evening things out...thanks for the update...
I really look forward to a historically accurate Roman Onager. A Ballista would be very nice. Only Conte has done a realistic 60mm Ballista to date.

The Dacian figures sound very interesting. The Dacians were a confederation of Celts, Thracians, Germans and Sarmatians ; thus a wide range of arms and armor types were used. Domitians Dacian war led to the loss of two legions under the command of the Praetorian Prefect Cornelius Fuscus.
Mike don't worry the Persians are a total different kettle of fish compared to the Arabs from the FFL range, although we do intend to revisit this range at some point with improved painting and new figures.
We are already up to Persian serial number 11 including a very eye catching Xerxes with plans for plenty more. The first 5 Persians will be released this month. For those of you collecting the Romans we have 3 Dacians coming (more to follow) as well as a Celtic chariot with crew, all within the next 3 months or so.
The Testudo will also be here in the next 2 months and later there will be the Onager and Scorpion and yes I nearly forgot there will be some downward firing Roman archers for all of those who need them for their fort! Now if that is not enough to keep everybody happy then I am not sure what is? All that is missing is Roman Cavalry - anybody need some Roman Cavalry? I thought so, the first one of our mounted Romans also appears around August, more to follow I promise.

Best wishes Vicki

And you wonder why I struggle to find the spare cash to spend with other manufacturers😉. I am like a little kid and got excited reading posts like this. I am off to work to cool down and earn a few more Thomas Gunn vouchers.
Mike don't worry the Persians are a total different kettle of fish compared to the Arabs from the FFL range, although we do intend to revisit this range at some point with improved painting and new figures.
We are already up to Persian serial number 11 including a very eye catching Xerxes with plans for plenty more. The first 5 Persians will be released this month. For those of you collecting the Romans we have 3 Dacians coming (more to follow) as well as a Celtic chariot with crew, all within the next 3 months or so.
The Testudo will also be here in the next 2 months and later there will be the Onager and Scorpion and yes I nearly forgot there will be some downward firing Roman archers for all of those who need them for their fort! Now if that is not enough to keep everybody happy then I am not sure what is? All that is missing is Roman Cavalry - anybody need some Roman Cavalry? I thought so, the first one of our mounted Romans also appears around August, more to follow I promise.

Best wishes Vicki

Great, looks like exciting few months ahead of us, I would also like to thank you for the excellent communications, as always.
I really look forward to a historically accurate Roman Onager. A Ballista would be very nice. Only Conte has done a realistic 60mm Ballista to date.

I fear you will be disappointed (Again)! :)
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Which product will disappoint me, the Onager, Scorpion or the Dacians? Also why would I be disappointed? I would be interested in adding all of them to my Roman collection.

I am generally happy with TG products. The quality of the PAK 40, Hetzer and DAK figures I have are excellent!

I fear you will be disappointed (Again)! :)
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Mike don't worry the Persians are a total different kettle of fish compared to the Arabs from the FFL range, although we do intend to revisit this range at some point with improved painting and new figures.
We are already up to Persian serial number 11 including a very eye catching Xerxes with plans for plenty more. The first 5 Persians will be released this month. For those of you collecting the Romans we have 3 Dacians coming (more to follow) as well as a Celtic chariot with crew, all within the next 3 months or so.
The Testudo will also be here in the next 2 months and later there will be the Onager and Scorpion and yes I nearly forgot there will be some downward firing Roman archers for all of those who need them for their fort! Now if that is not enough to keep everybody happy then I am not sure what is? All that is missing is Roman Cavalry - anybody need some Roman Cavalry? I thought so, the first one of our mounted Romans also appears around August, more to follow I promise.

Best wishes Vicki
What about the medieval knights??

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