TMterrain break in (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Apr 1, 2007
The break in today at our unit has not effected any terrain stored there so we will still be able to put on a good show at the end of March. The thieves obviously can't spot a good thing when it is staring them in the face! If they had tried to carry any of the boards off then they could have injured themselves as they are built so strongly!

The burglary has depleted our stocks of certain codes but we will be in attendance with our usual ranges including some new John Jenkins, Firstlegion and Patriot figures together with our new range of Blackhawk figures.
David has made some new stunning dioramas so please stop by and say hi.
Mark & David.
Anything new on the breakin guys? Have they caught the buggers yet? Hope all has run smoothly since then
Bill W

Sorry for the delay in answering but been up to my eyeballs getting ready for the London Show.
No update on the break in. The insurance company still will not pay out but still trying the gentle approach with them. Once the show is out of the way we will have to notch it up a bit.
We have accepted that we won't see the stock again so we just have to move on.

These insurance companies are all smiley,smiley when your throwing money at them but put in a legit claim and see how much they smile.I know there's a lot of fraud but they put good honest people through a lot of bullcrap.
These insurance companies are all smiley,smiley when your throwing money at them but put in a legit claim and see how much they smile.I know there's a lot of fraud but they put good honest people through a lot of bullcrap.

Yes, where have I seen this before:D:mad:


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