To K&C! Is their any NEW Production Sets for the DAK and Eight Army, Italians soon? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
To K&C! Is their any NEW Production Sets for the DAK and Eight Army, Italians soon?

Hello Andy! Want to know , if K&C is Planning to Resume MORE DAK, Eight Army, and Italians for the N.Africa WW2 ERA? Also, Soft-Vehicle's, Artillery,Infantry and Airplane's included in K&C Planning? Thankyou, CIAO1
Re: To K&C! Is their any NEW Production Sets for the DAK and Eight Army, Italians so

I'd love to see some new DAK pieces. It seems that it's been some time since we've seen any new N. Africa releases.
Re: To K&C! Is their any NEW Production Sets for the DAK and Eight Army, Italians so

It would be great to see some DAK 88’s, tiger’s, Italian artillery pieces and tanks, desert stuka, recon cars, ect. They sure look good and easy to place in a diorama with just some sand and a couple of palms.
Re: To K&C! Is their any NEW Production Sets for the DAK and Eight Army, Italians so

Italian autocarretta OM 36 {sm4}


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