Totally "New" (alien?) Forum Format (1 Viewer)


Aug 28, 2009
To whom it may concern,
Personally find the Internet a wonderful tool, having my own reasonably successful blog page. However, in my personal opinion, am finding the use of this forum's new architecture increasingly stressful. Can't seem to get subject, time, place, in consistent context. Will enjoy how other members are enjoying "digging" for things. Perhaps a new form of information technology and archeology combined. Am quickly coming to the conclusion that I would feel much more comfortable on the alternate toy soldier forum where I feel that I'm in control, not the computer. An approximate quote From the movie, 2001, A Space Odyssey,"Open the space-craft door Hal" - "I'm sorry I can't do that". Just one person's humble personal opinion.
Arnhem Jim
Arizona Territory

I'm afraid I don't understand your point as the layout of the Forum has been the same, more or less, for several years. I tend to use the new posts button to see what is new since my last visit. If I go back to review older topics, as I do with Trophy threads, they are arranged in chronological order, oldest to most recent.

I wonder if the issue is how threads are displayed for you. If you go to General Settings and go to Thread Display Options, you can change the way you view threads.


Brad stole my reply to you.{sm2} I am wondering how your viewers board is set up. I have only seen a change when I switch devices like when I use my phone to check the forum. If you are having big issues drop a pm to us (the moderators) and we will see if we can solve the problem for you.

Apologies. Somehow the settings format style on my computer was modified (probable operator error) from the default settings format. Thanks for the guidance in correcting the situation. Now "back in battery".
Arnhem Jim
Apologies. Somehow the settings format style on my computer was modified (probable operator error) from the default settings format. Thanks for the guidance in correcting the situation. Now "back in battery".
Arnhem Jim

Same thing just happened to me. I had to reset the format to "default format"


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