Trade sanctions with China (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Mar 15, 2008
In response to North Korea's recent Hydrogen bomb test the US Treasury Secretary has suggested that a trade embargo against countries doing business with N. Korea is a viable option.
Of course their major trading partner is China. If the US takes this action against China it will create a global market melt down and severely hurt China's economy. This would be a very extreme measure and would certainly hurt US companies as well.
With the choice, however, of going to war and risking millions of lives or drastic economic sanctions it may be plausible.
It would certainly get China's attention and perhaps the threat would force them to act on their own agains North Korea.

Something is going to happen sooner than later.

Your thoughts?
Scary when you have someone you can't reason with.
Is it me, or is the North Korean dictator like a James Bond villain? He's like a charicature of an insane dictator from an action movie! I'm waiting for the Expendables to fly in and take him down. I keep thinking can this be for real? I'm expecting to wake up and it's all going to be a nightmare brought on by eating to much spicy Korean barbecue!
Ian Fleming couldn't have cast a better face/persona for that role...start writing the script now...
Funny if it weren't so scary!
Hopefully we'll wake up one morning and it will all be resolved peacefully.........but I doubt it.
Can we send in the Avengers to take him and all his close associates out ?
A trade embargo against countries doing business with N. Korea i.e. China is excellent to avoid war....if that happens expect no more toy soldiers "made in China" for a while {sm3}
Over 100 countries deal with NK believe it or not.An embargo would destroy the world economy.
You can start with the banks that launder their money and exchange currencies.......
You can start with the banks that launder their money and exchange currencies.......

If the trade embargo strategy becomes a go, IMHO your above suggestion would be the first - and best - step. It would hurt primarily Chinese banks, with the advantage of not technically and politically aimed at, and halting all, US trade with China. It would create a gigantic, massive headache for the Chinese, and in practice putting US-China commerce towards "pause" mode shortly after implemented, probably making the Chinese move hectically towards North Korea and toughening up their talk with the satanic Dr. Kim...
Probably not going to happen. Too much money involved in the US and China. Effectively punishing both for the actions of a rogue state. The politicians here would fight it tooth and nail once the lobbyists descend on them. It's not entirely clear how much China can influence N. Korea. Ignoring and isolating them is probably the best of no great policy options. It risks forcing their hand in a military strike but if the only alternative is a war anyway then let them start it. I have to imagine there are some sane people in high places in N. Korea that don't relish a war that can only end in their destruction. If so, maybe Kim goes to sleep one night and passes away in his sleep.

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