Tradition Magazines Wanted (1 Viewer)

Al Fisher

Jul 3, 2007
I've enjoyed reading the British magazine Tradition (not to be confused with the French Le Magazine Tradition) for many years and hope that some of you might be able to fill gaps in my collection. I've 53 (of 76) issues in digital format and about 10 in paper format (though not all of the latter are in good condition). If you'd like to trade or sell, please let me know by PM and I'll send you a list of what I need. Copies are available from the original publisher and on eBay, but the cost of fulfilling my wants is prohibitive. Thus I turn to you guys to help me out.

For those of you who unfamiliar with this publication, it was the journal of the Society of Military Collectors, published in the 1960's and 70's. It is full of military history, lore, and uniform pictures. Though mostly focused on the Nineteenth Century, it has a good many articles on other periods as well.

Thanks . . .

Bosun Al

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