Troani Red Devils. (1 Viewer)

kilted vampire

Lieutenant Colonel
Mar 2, 2006
I am working on a Shenandoah figure of a Zouave. I am using the Red Devils off of a book for a paint guide. The regimental colors look to be a New York State Reserve Regiment. Does any one know which Regiment this is and where I can find a full view of the Regimental Color?:confused:
There is a full page three quarter view of 5th NY Volunteers, Duryee Zouaves in Don Troiani's Regiments & Uniforms of the Civil War and a corporal's jacket in Don's collection on half page, pages 72 and 73.

The image you have shown is also on pages 86 and 87 with lots of detail - big image in book

Edmund's Toy Soldiers paints the flag of this regiment better than any other company I have ever seen.
Edmund's Toy Soldiers paints the flag of this regiment better than any other company I have ever seen.

Thanks you guys. Wish I had the book. Louis wait until I am done. I am going to make Edmund scream!:):eek: Actually he will not do that but it will be good.:)
Almost done. Not as good as Edmunds. But this is my first painting for a regimental flag.:eek:

Very credible effort, KV, first try or not. Keep at it and you will give Edmund a run for his money!;)
Thanks I will. It is fun to paint it. but I would have liked a realy good picture of the colors.
Nice job Vamp!!! I always hate painting flags.
I tried to find you a picture of this flag and came across a good picture of this flag in the past and can,t remember where??? There are a few war flag web sites and I web searched up one that was great for civil war flags but it didn,t have this flag on it but I,m pretty sure it was one of these war flag sites where I saw the picture.
You might find a picture of this flag on a civil war renactors site also if you can find one for the 5th zouaves.
Heres a small picture. I don,t think this is what your looking for but I hope it helps.
Fish I copied it to my picture file. That is the best one yet. Thank you so much! Really cool :cool: Where are those re-enactors located?
Fish I copied it to my picture file. That is the best one yet. Thank you so much! Really cool :cool: Where are those re-enactors located?
I,m not sure Vamp??? I just did a few quick web searchs for 5th zouaves and civil war flags and I came across that. I was trying to find that flag site where I had seen that flag in the past and I came across that.
There were a few interesting sites I came across in my search, you should try doing the same there were some great uniform reference sites that would come in handy in painting figures. I also found that great civil war flag site that had just about every flag but the one your looking for.:mad: Heres the link to the flag site.

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