Trying to change my signature. (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 22, 2005
I want to put links to my etsy and facebook page, eventually to a new site for my woodworking.

How do I do this to allow people to click them? Is that allowed?
Hi, Gideon, I'm testing it now.

I just went to my profile, chose Edit Signature, then cut and pasted a URL into my signature. Let's see if it works...
Doesn't look like it worked. In my first pass, before I added the previous post, I added "" to my signature, but it didn't show. I've edited the signature to add HTML tags before and after the string, but it still doesn't show up.
It doesn't look like it was saved in my signature, either. When I go back to edit the signature, that text is all gone.
Sorry that I didn't catch this earlier.

In order to combat spammers we have disabled the ability to put links in signatures. We used to get folks who would sign up just to have that passive link. This gets rid of that.
gotcha, that makes sense.

I was able to get the web addresses in the siggy line so if anybody wants to see what I'm up to now, they can copy and paste. No worries.

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