TSSD Confederate camp (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
Wounded figures converted to singing drinking artillery and cavalrymen.

Oh boy...they must have gotten an early start, look at that blue sky!!! Hope Billy Yank doesn't come down the road and disturb their good times!!! Well done Scott!
Oh boy...they must have gotten an early start, look at that blue sky!!! Hope Billy Yank doesn't come down the road and disturb their good times!!! Well done Scott!

Thank you. Lighting is tough to capture night time with out loosing the detail I'm trying to show. May be its a Sunday afternoon.
Very nice. I really like the guy passing the bottle. Great job, very creative.
Nice work. I've been at a few of those back in the old days.
Neat! I can almost hear an off-key, but enthusiastic, rendition of The Bonnie Blue Flag. But why is the guy in the background wrapping a lanyard(?) around his leg? Anyway, I especially like the passed-out guy - been there, done that (well, not on a gabion but you get the idea ^&grin). I wish figure manufacturers would make more camp, hospital, etc non-combat poses - and maybe some civilian followers.
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Neat! I can almost hear an off-key, but enthusiastic, rendition of The Bonnie Blue Flag. But why is the guy in the background wrapping a lanyard(?) around his leg? Anyway, I especially like the passed-out guy - been there, done that (well, not on a gabion but you get the idea ^&grin). I wish figure manufacturers would make more camp, hospital, etc non-combat poses - and maybe some civilian followers.

Thank you. It's not clear but these men can do double duty in a hospital and the figure is wrapping a leg wound .
Thank you. It's not clear but these men can do double duty in a hospital and the figure is wrapping a leg wound .

Ah, I see - well, looks like there's a goodly supply of anesthetic/disinfectant :wink2: Course, no reb worth his salt would ever waste good 'shine that way ^&grin
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Very good job Scott! And would be interesting if Nick makes some camp figures set. TSSD figures are great in details and poses, but all are only in action poses. I have all from civil war period, great to fight against Paragon apaches. But I also always liked "peacefull" figures, standing, sitting, talking, eating, sleeping...

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