TSSD New GI,s (2 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
For pictures of TSSD,s new GI,s go to their site and click on pictures of the West Coast Show, they are there.
Good deal! American Heavy Weapons in plastic, very good! Thanks for the heads up Gary.

For pictures of TSSD,s new GI,s go to their site and click on pictures of the West Coast Show, they are there.


Great catch, I did see them at the show and sorry I didn't mention them earlier. That's a nice 30 cal. water cooled machine gun isn't it?

Whenever I think of TSSD, I think of what great guys Nick and Dee are and their contribution to toy solider (Plastic) collection world.

Carlos, how do they look in person?
Are they on par with their other figures?
All eight poses are now shown on the TSSD site, check them out.
Gee, that would only be conjecture as no one was named specifically. Just one man's tale of his experiences.
I agree with fish, that was definately a stab at Conte. I do buy TSSD, mainly because they do paint up well and go great with Conte. I guess this is some on going thing with TSSD and RC. But reading the Conte Q&A, RC seems to stay out of the name calling. The thing about TSSD I am not so crazy about is, you can only buy Conte painted from them. Everytime you go to their site, you are drenched in their stuff good or bad. I love the Japs, but their Marines stink. I have their 1st sets of union and rebs. The long coat Germans look ok, and the Russians look ok. But comparison to comparison on their GI's, TSSD look cartoonish to me. I guess not going to the Westcoaster, is going to haunt RC for awhile. The Conte products will always win the arguments, that is because they are the best product for the money. This is just my own opinion. I will most likley pick up a set or two of TSSD, I love converting the with Contes. Hobby On Mike.
Mike I,ll have to agree with you about the conte figures being munch better figures then the TSSD. I like the TSSD figures they are nice figures and I hope to see more of them and hope they venture into my favorite figures napoleonics, but they are no where near as good as the new conte figures.

The new conte figures are the best plastics yet and are hands down the best plastic figures to chop up and convert with there multi-piece molds that they use to make them makes it real easy to chop up and reasemble and opens up many more options for conversions then any other plastics on the market other then 1/35 model figure kits.

TSSD seems to try and model there figures like conte and now even started to sell there plastic painted and packaged like conte does also and I don,t mind this because I like conte and wish that more plastic companies would start to use the conte multi-piece figure molds which do not limit the poses that can be done in a one piece mold and lets the sculpters come up with poses not limited to a one piece mold thinking. I noticed in the TSSD new figures that they just posted pictures of started to use multi-piece molds also.
It would be great to see all plastics made like this in the future but i,m sure this must cost munch more money to do this with the extra assembly of each figure so I don,t think it will catch on with many other companies unfortunatly.
Well, I don't see the names of any companies mentioned, so I guess it is an assumption on your part.

When you go to the Conte site do you see figures from other companies or are you inundated with Conte products?
I believe if anyone was at OTSN 2005 they would know the story.
Like I said my opinion, I'm just a grunt plastic collector. I now what I like, and I really don't know the tensions between the two companies. But if you read all the negative statements on the TSSD site, you know that was a shot. I hope both companies keep doing what their doing. We are the lucky ones getting great products. Mike.
hmmmmmm, no, there are specifically no names mentioned on TSSD's site, as for Conte's site no name's either, but it is pretty clear who each of them is talking about.
funny though how it is said, "we have heard from others" "or been told this or that by other collectors"
i for one would like to know the sources or the people that both companies say that are telling them things.
anyone can make up a "fake" question and respond to it.
its all rumour mongering that both companies are letting get the best of them, or they just don't like what each other is saying and they feel the need to post their opinions or make statements.
they are both entitiled to that, but be sure its far from over.
something has obviously happened between these two indivduals and it won't rest until one of them finally stops playing the "game"
i read nowhere on the TSSD site that their Alamo pieces were made to complete Conte's Alamo, only that they suggested that it "could" be used if someone so desired, as well as being used with a couple other manufacturers.
we can speculate that Conte may have read that and felt the need to make a response, and so he did.
as for TSSD's comment on manufacturing, again their opinion and experience.
is kinda funny though how with every single release Conte has its always blamed on China, and i am a very avid Conte collector myself, so i am not taking a shot, just stating a fact.
So does this mean that Conte won't be at the San Antonio show. :rolleyes:
So does this mean that Conte won't be at the San Antonio show. :rolleyes:

thanks for the laugh alex, makes ya wonder thought doesn't it, there is some infor about it on the TSSD site and the only mention was that someone would be there with Conte product but i doubt it was Conte themselves lol
probably hobby bunker
I made reservations for Saturday and Sunday. It will be interesting to see how TSSD does with their first show and with all the Conte issues thats going on between them. If Steven or Carlos aren't going I might be the photo guy.
I was there. Are you referring to the Remember the Alamo blisters of Old NorthWest Trading Company GI's release in plastic?
The Alamo blisters were one, but there was more.
Enough of this was on HB,s forum a while back, no sense opening another can of worms.
Any one who has collected plastic pretty much knows.
Having said the above, when RC does do plastic it is the best ever made!

I just know I love both of them. Conte is hard to beat for sure. But Tssd Figures are a little more affordable and some great Figures. I want them all:rolleyes: Nick has been very nice and professional with me.

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