Twin Peaks (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
An 18 episode series starting May 21 on Showtime. Should be interesting. The original was a classic.
Exactly. But I think it is only shown in Showtime, so I will miss it in the first round.
Exactly. But I think it is only shown in Showtime, so I will miss it in the first round.
If you don't have Showtime as a Premium Channel, there are other ways to get it. Stream. After all 18 Episodes have aired sign up for Showtime streaming channel. You get a weeks free trial then they charge you $10.99 per month. Or use VUDU and buy the series to keep permanently
and even share with friends and family across the miles. That sharing is wonderful. The whole series will be about $20. Eighteen episodes is a bit much to binge in a week to save a few bucks.:smile2:

I suppose AppleTV has something similar. Except the AppleTV box still will not do 4K after months of promising. Still months away
according to the informed scuttlebutt. Roku has had 4K capability for over a year.
Showtime has the entire original series available On Demand in case you have forgot the storyline. I watched the first episode yesterday for the first time in about twenty years. Had forgotten a good deal. They are also airing the prequel movie "Fire Walk with Me" which was wild even by Twin Peaks standards.
Does anybody know what in the hell this show is about?:confused:^&confuse
It's shot a 15min drive from where I live...Snoqualmie falls are actually 100 feet higher than Niagara falls.

Does anybody know what in the hell this show is about?:confused:^&confuse
I'm sure someone does but not me. LOL. They threw everything in but the kitchen sink last night. I had some trouble remember all the original characters which didn't help. In general, it seems like Cooper is trapped in the dream-like Black Lodge and his doppleganger is out spreading mischief. There is a lot of duality of human behavior in the show with everyone having a very dark side. In some cases a literal "other" person.
Never got into the series, and I was never that impressed with Lynch, either (eg, "Dune", "Blue Velvet". "I found this ear. I thought it might be important." Fegh.)

But I did enjoy the parody that SNL did when Kyle MacLauchlin was the guest host in September, 1990. It was spot-on.

What was that talking tree.It really looked cheesy.:smile2:^&grin^&confuse
There is often a thin line in experimental art between genius and stupidity. Many people who watch Lynch find it too abstract. Others think he is an innovative genius. There are elements of both in the series. Risky things work sometimes and sometimes they do not. It is supposed to have a dream-like mysticism in which many things don't make literal sense. They may have symbolic meaning or even no meaning at all. But everyone has to interpret the story for themselves to some degree. It's not the typical TV experience of simply watching what happens next. That's often frustrating but sometimes it grows on you and causes you to think about a scene or event later and try to figure it out. 18 episodes is a lot though for a show like this one to pull off. Probably can't maintain a mainstream audience for that long but will get a lot of critical acclaim.
btw: Episodes 3 and 4 are already available On Demand if you are a Showtime subscriber.
This one has really become a love it or hate it type show. Not much middle ground. Ike "the spike" Stadtler is my favorite new character. A small guy with a penchant for homicide. His weapon of preference being the ice pick. Reading the reviews after each episode is a must to keep track of everything that happens.
One of the wildest episodes in the series last night. Which means it was one of the stangest in TV history. It defies explanation. The critics are loving it. It's interesting to see how TV could be if it wasn't always ratings driven. A completely different experience. And that Woodsman character was a real hoot. He is neck and neck with Ike the Spike for my favorite character. Some great music in this season. Hopefull they release a soundtrack.
When all was said and done I give this show an A for originality, A for artistic merit, and a C for the story. A typical David Lynch project that was maddening to follow and in the end left more unresolved than otherwise. Even if you followed the entire Twin Peaks saga and knew all there was to know about the original story there were parts that were impossible to understand. My favorite had to be reinventing the late David Bowie's Philip Jeffries character as a large tea kettle type device that made a lot of clanking noises in some extradimensional motel. The average TV viewer was left dumfounded (although most were in that state to begin with). The critics loved it though.
Does anybody know what in the hell this show is about?:confused:^&confuse

Yes . In facts, this is the sad story of a log abandoned by his(her) family and adopted by an old lady . This was the basic scenario, and Mr Lynch just embroidered it .^&grin

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