I,ve tried to find one of those Elting books for a half way resonable price but they always sell for around list price of about $150 bucks wich is a bit high for me but i,m sure they must be really great books if they always sell used for around the same price as new. I just picked up swords around a thrown but have not started to read it yet. Another really great book to get is riffles by mark urban a must read for any napoleonic fans. It the story of the 95th riffles from the soldiers side of veiw with great tales from peninsular war,it gives you a real good idea of what it was really like to fight in the napoleonic wars,from the marches,battles,looting,horrors ect. it,s all in there. A must have!!! Great reading! These are the stories of what the men and had to deal with on a daily basis from floggings to having brain matter spattered all over you because the guy on side of you just had his head taken clean off by a cannon ball. You get a real good feel for what it must have been like.