Unknown Britains Highlander? (2 Viewers)


Command Sergeant Major
May 25, 2008
Ive just bought a single Britains Highland Piper. Its from the 1990 era according to the base, ive never seen it before or in any books on the modern Britains. My question firstly is it a genuine Britains or is it a repaint? i dont mind if it is as it looks genuine enough to be displayed alongside my other pipers of the era! My second question is what regiment is it from? The man in the shop said he believed it to be a Cameron Highlander but said he wasnt an expert so was not 100% sure, the kilt isnt Cameron in my view but im not sure ether, any help will be appreciated.




Thanks in advance Craig.
Is the underside of the base marked, or is it solid?

That doesn't look like the quality of paint job coming from the factory.

Hi Craig - I agree with the Baron - looks like a home-paint job. Tartan MIGHT be an attempt at the MacKenzie of a Piper of the HLI ???

The tartan painting is a bit hit or miss though - note the plaid across the chest being incompletely pianted - and a certain icosistency of red and white lining. Sporran's not right though - looks like an Argyle's sporran.

Best of luck with anything further chum - hope this helps a bit ..... johnnybach
Thanks for the input guys :)
Brad the base isn't solid it has the WBritain logo followed underneath by a C in a circle then 1990 & finally under that its marked England.
Johnny do you have any refrence photos of the HLI? I also thought that the sporran was incorrect compared to the kilt when I was looking through some of my reference material.

Cheers Craig
It certainly looks familiar and I am not sure it is a repaint. Looks about right to me. I'll have a look through my books.
Thanks for that clarification. I think it is Britains, then, and the question is whether that's the finish, as the figure looked when it left the factory.

I have a Britains piper that is of the same vintage; it appears to be the same casting (or from a similar master) except for the head, which has a feather bonnet. The quality of the painting on the tartan is similar, but the figure has no facial details painted in, the face is simply painted a flesh color, and you can just see the cast features of the piper's face. Comparing to yours, that's what makes me think that it was touched up after leaving the factory. The dots for eyes look a little too coarse, though I could be wrong.

Brad the eyes are what made me think it was a repaint as well? But looking at my sets I discovered that the 1st limited edition set of Cameron Highlanders all had eyes painted in! That then just confused me more lol it also apears to be the same mold as the Gordon Highlanders Piper from the late 1980's so it could just be a repaint of that?
Scott thanks for looking though your books! It was my other thought that it was commissioned for an event of some kind but again I can't find any references to one so I'm still confused lol.
Thanks for your help guys.

Cheers Craig
The tartan is Mckenzie, worn by all ranks of the Queen's Own Highlanders EXCEPT the pipes and drums who wore Cameron of Erracht. TREWS of McKenzie are worn by the pipers in undress. Johnnybach is right, the sporran looks like an attempt at that of the Argyles, unfortunately only the band wear the "swinging six" the pipers have grey with two black tassels and the Sutherland tartan for the kilt and plaid. Finally the socks should be diced, not plain red. So, it could be either another of Britains clangers or an amateurs efforts at painting. You pays your money and take your choice. Trooper
Hey Trooper thanks for the infomation, sounds like its a bit of a mismatch paint job then? Its okay though as it only cost me £4.99 so it isn't a lose.

Cheers Craig
Hi Craig - you asked me for a photo of an HLI piper. Have a look at the illustration marked "e" in the centre of this plate. This is from my "Old Faithful" book, that I rely on for many things.....

"Richard Simkin's Uniforms of the British Army: The Infantry Regiments", by W.Y.Carman (1985).

The HLI piper here, is shown wearing the MacKenzie tartan kilt - and the Highlander and Officer with him are wearing trews in the same material. The illustration is dated (overleaf) as 1910. You can also see the sporran and socks of the piper - which, as Trooper mentions, are quite different to your figure.

Note also the earlier kilted piper in illustration "h" who is wearing a feather bonnet - though dated 1866. He also has the MacKenzie tartan, on kilt, plaid and pipes.

My own feeling - as mainly I paint castings - is that's what you COULD have with your figure. It may be a re-cast that's been painted to look like a Britains piece - and the painter hasn't got the details quite right. It's only my opinion though - as it could be another of the options suggested.

The most important thing though - is that you like him - and were pleased with what you paid. Whatever he is, I don't think he's "dead right" - but I like him too.

Hope this helps......johnnybach

Thanks for the info Johnny :) the picture marked e is also the one I had on hand & in my opinion is probably what the artist was going for! I might try to change the sporran & sock myself at some point!

Cheers Craig
If you look closely at the casting, you can see that the plaid is cast in relief, but it's painted over. My piper is painted the same way. It looks like they just represent the gaiters and didn't spend much time detailing the tops of the hose.

Since the base is marked underneath with the appropriate proprietary markings, I'd say that the figure is original to Britain's, whether the finish comes from the factory or has been touched up or otherwise modified.

Hi Guys,

Have to say I agree that this is a repaint. I believe he started life as a Kings Own Scottish Borders Piper single figures set number 5861 from 1993. Stylisticly this one is a very close match for the one you bought. Still its always fun finding a mystery figure every now and again and it certainly was the right price.

Hi Dave thanks for the info, I don't surpose you have a photo of the Kings Own Borders Piper do you? I can't find any reference to set. 5861 in my Britains New Toy Soldiers Book by Norman Joplin.

Never mind Dave I found the figure you were refering to in the special figures section at the back of the book, it is same shape & base as mine so it could be this one repainted to look like another regiment? But not quiet got the sporran right! Think I'm on the right track lolnow all I need to do is find an actual version of set 5861.

Cheers Craig
Hi Craig,

If I stumble accross one I will let you know.

Good hunting

Hi Dave,

Thanks for keeping an eye out for me I don't know how I've never noticed it in the book before lol

Cheers Craig
Glad you eventually got him sorted out Craig.

Just thought I would show you a couple of modified Britains re-casts that I bought for under £3 each. I modified these quite deliberately, so that they can't be confused with real Britains pieces. I removed feathers from the balmoral of left hand Gordons piper and added the dirk to the belt, to make him look right for his era. The right hand one had a larger swallows nest added to right shoulder - and of course BOTH had the larger base added that I like, to keep them more stable and less likely to get knocked over. However, if I really wanted to confuse someone - it would be all to easy to make them really look like Britains pieces ( though i won't do that).

I suppose a good giveaway for your laddie, was the Britains name and copyright mark on the base. However - as you found - its easy enough to re-paint one to cause confusion.^&grin

Good fun finding out though eh? (P.S - He wasn't one of mine!!!) johnnybach

I'd strip him down at this point and repaint him from scratch, it would be a fun little project.


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