Update on Forum Member Chuck Harris (1 Viewer)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
I was talking to Chuck Harris, one of our founding forum members, a few days ago and although he has been too ill to post or even read the forum for quite some time he wanted me to be sure and let you all know he is thinking of you. In addition to a host of other issues Chuck is having a hard time seeing well enough to spend time on his computer and he really misses interacting with all of you.
After some really rough medical times he recently underwent surgery and we are hoping it helps him to be on the mend and back among us soon.
He says to tell you all he's still looking at the grass from the right side ;).

Get well and best wishes Chuck! We think about and pray for you often here at the Reuss household.
Get well soon Chuck, hope youhave a full and speedy recovery and are able to join us again soon, best wishes


Thanks for posting Shannon!
God Bless you Chuck- there really isn't anything going on on this forum to warrant you not taking care of yourself. Be good, safe and happy and spend your time with family.
Hey Chuck,

It's been a long time since I've talked to you. Lots to tell you. I'll try to call you on Tuesday.

Stay well bud.
I remember when this forum started Chuck must have called everybody on the forum just to talk soldiers, great guy.
Chuck is a great friend, and terrific member of our Forum. He always has a funny story, or thought to bring a smile to your face. Heres wishing him a break with his health issues, and I will certainly give him a call this week.

We all should just to wish him well.:)
I would like to pass on my best wishes also ,hopefully things take a rapid turn for the better.
Regards Rob
Soory to hear about the continuing problems, must be a real kicker for someone of your standing. I do hope the health improves Chuck, and good to hear the grass is still green.
Very best wishes,
I don't know you but I know what sick is and am doing well now but hang in there sir u will get better we old folks just take a little longer........fall down 7 times get up 8 that is us!!!!!!!

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