US Coloured Infantry (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2008
I decided to modify one of the Dorset casting into a lengthened saxhorn. These musical instruments were used by marching bands to project the sound to the troops marching behind. These instruments were widely used in the American Civil War.

The instrument was snipped and a wire insert was used to lengthen the piece. Putty was added and carefully shaped. Further shaping was achieved by carving, sanding and paring. This was a lengthy process. As can be seen, the horn is a basic toy casting and considerable work is needed to convert this for a model soldier.

Meanwhile, I decided to make the figure as an Afro-American soldier. A Shenandoah head was used, Airfix torso and a couple of Historex legs, to rapidly define the pose I wanted.

More work was done on the saxhorn.

Putty was added to shape the figure. Sheet metal was used to fabricate a typical frock coat of the period. Buttons were made from a really fancy punch and die set, 9 in front and 2 at the back of the frock coat. A basic undercoat of paint was done to clarify the concept and details which will be rectified.

The figure was cleaned up and re-coated. Work on the saxhorn has been more or less finalised. I cut out the internal tubing and rearranged the layout. Additional tubing was made from bent wire and valves were made from plastic discs.

At this stage, I decided that the figure was too plain and decided to give him baggage and other equipment to hoist around. Also I read a little about the USCT. I have only a single photo reference to a 107th USCT band which was stationed at Fort Corcoran towards the war end 1865. The bandsmen carried a few of these saxhorns. I decided that my figure would represent one of these bandsmen. He would be a corporal and would have a knapsack stamped with "107" for his regiment. Most of the equipment details came from an Osprey book on US Army equipment.

With the above in mind, I started to detail the figure. First, I scrapped and sanded off defects in the basic figure. I gave him a haversack slung over the right shoulder. To this was attached a tin cup from Shenandoah miniatures through the strap. Over the back I started to sculpt a knapsack. The Airfix blanket roll on top is just for proportions. I will substitute a newly sculpted blanket roll. Chevrons and trouser stripes were sculpted.

More progress. The straps for the blanket roll and knapsack have been added. The hanging straps in front are for attachment to the belt which is not worn in this case. The water bottle has also bee sculpted and attached to the figure with a strap. All buckles are Historex parts.

Further refinement. I scrapped and sanded the frock coat and made adjustments to the sleeves.

The frockcoat came with or without cuffs and buttons on the sleeves. I decided to model mine with cuffs and buttons. I have started to paint the letterings on the water bottle and numbers on the knapsack.

A small base with wooden fence has also been created for this figure. Coming to the end stretch.

Hi All,

I've completed the base. The fence was painted in white and then tinted with dark umber. Foliage was added with white glue. The groundwork was painted with red sienna and yellow ochre and highlighted with off-white. The figure was finalised and highlighted in places. Dust and dirt was then added to the piece. The saxhorn was firmly attached to the figure and the figure was glued to the base. I've basically finished this piece except for nice photos and the base lettering.

Hello John,

Thanks for your kind words. I'll take better all round pics and post later.

Rgds Victor
These pics were taken against a black background with overhead natural daylight LED lamp and flash.


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