US Presidents (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

In reply to “Patton’s” suggestion of ‘a figure of each U.S. President’ ... Although I am deeply interested in US Politics and History I think this could be ... “A Bridge Too Far” for K&C and yours truly!

However having said that ... We have produced over the years a couple of “George Washingtons” ... one or two “Abe Lincolns” ... a “Ulysses S.Grant”... at least two (maybe more) “Teddy Roosevelts”... one “F.D.R.” ... and quite a few “Dwight D. Eisenhowers

Not too bad I hope you’ll agree ... I would love to do a “J.F.K.(but only if we can make a PT109 !!!)

Best wishes,
I was being a bit tongue in cheek and thinking of a Dead/ Murdered President selection of an overall collection. Then you can add whichever president you like to the DP selection.

See if you can trump that !! ^&grin^&grin

Thanks to Wiki ..............Four sitting presidents have been killed, all of them by gunshot: Abraham Lincoln (the 16th President), James A. Garfield (the 20th President), William McKinley (the 25th President) and John F. Kennedy (the 35th President).
In Oz our Prime Mysteries just go swimming and don't come back {sm4}- tends to put a Holt on proceedings {sm2}
...but PT109? Hmmm, that'd be something of a coup...a bit above the Eagles Nest; perhaps you could get Clint on it. :salute::
More on Aussie

What about a Chinese miniature submarine ??
Hi Guys,

In reply to “Patton’s” suggestion of ‘a figure of each U.S. President’ ... Although I am deeply interested in US Politics and History I think this could be ... “A Bridge Too Far” for K&C and yours truly!

However having said that ... We have produced over the years a couple of “George Washingtons” ... one or two “Abe Lincolns” ... a “Ulysses S.Grant”... at least two (maybe more) “Teddy Roosevelts”... one “F.D.R.” ... and quite a few “Dwight D. Eisenhowers

Not too bad I hope you’ll agree ... I would love to do a “J.F.K.(but only if we can make a PT109 !!!)

Best wishes,

Well then Andy as you wouldn't be doing any U.S Presidents I guess there's no chance of a Aussie war correspondent of the Great War........... Charles Bean?

And even less chance of a slightly dodgy Aussie PM of the time one William Morris "Billy" Hughes...........

Wayne. :wink2:
I believe a JFK figure could be a great seller. Don't think about a Dallas scene..obviously, but him , Jacqueline...and other figure could sell very well.
With the Harbour Bridge as a backdrop?{sm4}

Sorry to be a beach but I will have to call a Holt to the inaccuracy. It was Portsea beach in Victoria.

And no I am not a suspect as I was four years old and have an alibi.
I believe a JFK figure could be a great seller

What about Angie Dickinson singing Happy Birthday to JFK. A great two figure set.

(I'm on fire tonight !!)
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Hi Guys,

... I think this could be ... “A Bridge Too Far” for K&C...

I disagree, Andy. I think your regulars would buy such a set, if for no other reason than that it is a K&C product and anyone who calls himself a K&C collector would have to have one.

But beyond the base, I think it would have appeal to other toy soldier collectors, and perhaps even outside the community of toy soldier collectors, to those who collect Presidential or political items.

It might, at the very least, be worth researching the old Marx series of Presidents, which went up through Nixon, I think, and seeing how well or how poorly that series did.

What about Angie Dickinson singing Happy Birthday to JFK. A great two figure set.

(I'm on fire tonight !!)

Andy better not do "Angie Dickinson singing Happy Birthday to JFK" as it was Marilyn who sang. However I am more of an Angie fan than a Marilyn fan. Must have been the police uniform^&grin
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I disagree, Andy. I think your regulars would buy such a set, if for no other reason than that it is a K&C product and anyone who calls himself a K&C collector would have to have one.

But beyond the base, I think it would have appeal to other toy soldier collectors, and perhaps even outside the community of toy soldier collectors, to those who collect Presidential or political items.

It might, at the very least, be worth researching the old Marx series of Presidents, which went up through Nixon, I think, and seeing how well or how poorly that series did.


I'm with Brad on this one. I would love to see a series focusing on some of the major Presidents, from Washington to the present.
The tongue in cheek ruminating makes an amusing read for a thread but I'm not sure it would support an Oval Office series that disrespects the office. Andy has done some good Presidents with support figures for dio makers. Not what I collect but the useful potential is there. Like Wayne, I would be tempted by something Aussie flavoured. But the PT109 idea is admirably ambitious, and I could picture a Japanese mini sub in Sydney Harbour with a throng of civilian onlookers...
I'm with Brad on this one. I would love to see a series focusing on some of the major Presidents, from Washington to the present.

Right. I want the Donald, so colorful.... {sm3}
He's not President yet but there's a Chia pet, if you really want an image of him and can't wait.
Hi Guys,

Not too bad I hope you’ll agree ... I would love to do a “J.F.K.(but only if we can make a PT109 !!!)

Best wishes,

OKAY Andy ... no fair teasing the old guys out here. :mad:

Already, I have palpitations :p just thinking about how wonderful that would be.
It DOES sorta' fit in with your current Pacific theme. You could also consider the "Evacuation of MacArther" and family on a PT boat with the Fall of Malaya series and use the PT boat over for JFK ...:confused:

I am not sure if they were the same PT boat class though ....?? Still both would be at my house in a heartbeat.


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