Not all of International rates goes to the USPS, Part goes to the carrier the USPS contracts with
to carry between countries, i.e. Commercial Airlines, UPS, FedEx and etc. Then the USPS must
pay Terminal Dues, which is the amount the USPS reimburses the foreign Post for processing
and delivering. This is a complicated process determined by Universal Postal Union. Wealthier
countries pay more. So those rates are a three part equation:
USPS - set by Congress and the Union. Which if Drug cartels had to operate under they would also go broke.
Commercial Carriers - Have you tried to hand carry another suitcase on a flight lately?
Terminal Dues - set by the Universal Postal Union. Operates much like the United Nations. Enough said there.
If anyone of the above rates change it is passed on. When all three increase at the same time it's bigger.
Still I consider USPS rates a bargain since I've had to avail myself of the postal service overseas from time to time.
And I could not even take it off my taxes as a cost of doing business.
If anyone wants to read up on the Universal Postal Union, this link will get you started.