VietnamⅡ (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Just received copies of our latest and biggest brochure for our ‘VIETNAM’ series of figures and vehicles.

This latest edition is a whopping 24 full colour pages packed with what we’ve been producing alongwith a couple of upcoming releases.

Our first 2019 brochure was just 12 pages. ‘VIETNAM’ shows how fast this series has grown and developed in just two years!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our K&C dealers and collectors around the world who have strongly supported this range and made it into the K&C ‘best seller’ it is.

Check out the entire brochure on our website or right HERE... and for those folks collecting ‘VIETNAM’ look out for your copy either from your favourite dealer or King & Country direct with your next order.

All the best and happy collecting!

Andy mate,
Only one word to describe this new brochure. "OUTSTANDING".

Cheers Howard:salute::
That’s one heck of a brochure Andy, just packed full of the extensive work you have given to this series. Brilliant. Some more goodies to collect I spy. Robin.
Outstanding loving the future release patrol figures ! :salute::

Absolutely love the KC Viet Nam series-keep em coming
The Vietnam range is very well done. I have a few select figures myself.

But I do hope K&C does not promote this range to the detriment of other eras.

I myself, along with many others i’m sure, prefer the variety of uniforms, weapons & vehicles afforded by the multinational involvement in WW2, not to mention the colourful variety of Napoleonic combatants.

The over indulgence in khaki could become somewhat tedious.

The paint scheme might be cheap to produce, but I’m sure collectors would be amenable to more variety.

Looking forward to the Falklands range!
This series has evolved in depth that’s for certain, as to whether it has the legs to travel much further is a matter of conjecture. No one can say it hasn’t been done well. I know there are some Light Horse, Ancient Egypt and Life of Jesus on the back burner, so these will sustain me going forward. The sub range of the Wild West looks exciting and of course the lure of the Falklands. Other surprises like the French Resistance and more from the Ceremonials range will continue to delight collectors, so I see some Golden years yet to come. Robin.
The Vietnam range is very well done. I have a few select figures myself.

But I do hope K&C does not promote this range to the detriment of other eras.

I myself, along with many others i’m sure, prefer the variety of uniforms, weapons & vehicles afforded by the multinational involvement in WW2, not to mention the colourful variety of Napoleonic combatants.

The over indulgence in khaki could become somewhat tedious.

The paint scheme might be cheap to produce, but I’m sure collectors would be amenable to more variety.

Looking forward to the Falklands range!

Thanks ‘Bridport’ for your response, however I do not believe there is any danger of K&C or myself ‘over-indulging in Khaki’ any time soon!

Even a cursory glance over ‘Dispatches’ over the last 12 months would see a preponderance of varied historical subject matter ... All the way from Ancient Egypt & Rome to Napoleonics and US Cavalry & Indians and then into WW2 Eastern Front, The Pacific, The Arab/Israeli War of 1973 and our very colourful ‘Ceremonial Parade’ figures.
Perhaps all of these and many more may have escaped your attention...

Meanwhile, your assertion that ‘khaki’ might be cheaper to produce is wrong...Great figures also require great painting, if not they are simply not ‘great figures’, but hey, what do I know..?

On a more upbeat note, I too am looking forward to our ‘Falklands War’ figures and I hope you will also like our 18 upcoming WW2 D.Day British Infantry in action and the Royal Navy LCVP to go along with them...Beware though these WW2 British Tommies are wearing...the dreaded KHAKI!!!

And finally, in response to the excellent sales response, you can also look forward to some more trips to Vietnam too!
All the best and happy collecting,
Thanks for the response and clarification Andy.

Yes, I’m certainly looking forward to those WW2 British.
This series has evolved in depth that’s for certain, as to whether it has the legs to travel much further is a matter of conjecture. No one can say it hasn’t been done well. I know there are some Light Horse, Ancient Egypt and Life of Jesus on the back burner, so these will sustain me going forward. The sub range of the Wild West looks exciting and of course the lure of the Falklands. Other surprises like the French Resistance and more from the Ceremonials range will continue to delight collectors, so I see some Golden years yet to come. Robin.

Robin mate, I would say there got to be plenty of legs on this range yet to come for as long as Andy decides it's worthwhile and holds his interest.
I'm hoping that at some stage Andy and K&C will cover the Brown Water Navy with a PBR as in Apocalypse Now !
Maybe even a landing craft and or Monitor.
Montagnards, ARVN troops, both the unreliable Ruff Puffs and reliable unit such as RVN Marines, Republic of Korea, Marines, Royal Thai Army, units from Philipines, more Vietnamese civilians and so on.
Expand into other US ground troops, USSF, 101st /173rd/ 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav Div Air mobile, 1st and 25th Div's etc etc

And I'm sure Howard has a whole list of Aussie vehicles and troops on his wants list, probably including an FSV M113 with Saladin turret !

Then there's other areas of the war to further expand into like Cambodia / Laos, CIA, Air America !

Robin mate, I would say there got to be plenty of legs on this range yet to come for as long as Andy decides it's worthwhile and holds his interest.
I'm hoping that at some stage Andy and K&C will cover the Brown Water Navy with a PBR as in Apocalypse Now !
Maybe even a landing craft and or Monitor.
Montagnards, ARVN troops, both the unreliable Ruff Puffs and reliable unit such as RVN Marines, Republic of Korea, Marines, Royal Thai Army, units from Philipines, more Vietnamese civilians and so on.
Expand into other US ground troops, USSF, 101st /173rd/ 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav Div Air mobile, 1st and 25th Div's etc etc

And I'm sure Howard has a whole list of Aussie vehicles and troops on his wants list, probably including an FSV M113 with Saladin turret !

Then there's other areas of the war to further expand into like Cambodia / Laos, CIA, Air America !


Steve mate,
Great post cobber, and Yes I have a list a mile long of Aussie, U.S. and NVA vehicles I would like to see. For 10 years my favourite range of K&C was the Lighthorse and my collection exceeds over 200 sets. Then came the VN range and my collecting stepped up a gear with the USMC and Aussies plus civilians.

I would like to draw Andys attention to the Battle of Fire Bases "Lang Vei" and "Ben Het" in 1969 which involved at Lang Vei, USMC 3rd Tank Bn M48s and NVA PT-76s and at Ben Het , U.S. 1st Bn, 69th Armd Regt with M-48s and NVA PT-76s and BTR-50s. The interesting part about all these vehicles are that all three were used by opposing sides in the Middle East 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Hence covering two of K&C best and my current favourite ranges, VN and IDF. Vietnam did not see many tank on tank battles until the U.S. withdrew and the NVA and the AVRN forces (M-48s and T-55s) came to blows in 1973/74

I look forward to a long life span of both the VN and IDF ranges:salute::

Cheers Howard
Steve mate,
Great post cobber, and Yes I have a list a mile long of Aussie, U.S. and NVA vehicles I would like to see. For 10 years my favourite range of K&C was the Lighthorse and my collection exceeds over 200 sets. Then came the VN range and my collecting stepped up a gear with the USMC and Aussies plus civilians.

I would like to draw Andys attention to the Battle of Fire Bases "Lang Vei" and "Ben Het" in 1969 which involved at Lang Vei, USMC 3rd Tank Bn M48s and NVA PT-76s and at Ben Het , U.S. 1st Bn, 69th Armd Regt with M-48s and NVA PT-76s and BTR-50s. The interesting part about all these vehicles are that all three were used by opposing sides in the Middle East 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Hence covering two of K&C best and my current favourite ranges, VN and IDF. Vietnam did not see many tank on tank battles until the U.S. withdrew and the NVA and the AVRN forces (M-48s and T-55s) came to blows in 1973/74

I look forward to a long life span of both the VN and IDF ranges:salute::

Cheers Howard

Not to forget ARVN and the NVA tank battles between M41 Walker Bulldogs and T54's later in the war.

I reckon you blokes could provide K&C and myself with enough fresh ‘VIETNAM’ ideas to last the next 10 years...Just hope you left a little space for me to add a few of my own!!!

All suggestions, ideas, brainwaves along with the occasional brain fart truly welcome.
No worries,

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