Viking movies?? (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
My daughter and I have just finished watching The Long Ships (fun), The Vikings, and The Warlord. Could anyone suggest any other Viking themed films? I know of that one with Antonio Bandaras and Prince Valiant, and the Monty Python related one. Thanks in advance.
My daughter and I have just finished watching The Long Ships (fun), The Vikings, and The Warlord. Could anyone suggest any other Viking themed films? I know of that one with Antonio Bandaras and Prince Valiant, and the Monty Python related one. Thanks in advance.

I can't really recommend it, but there was a recent movie about Vikings and Indians called "The Pathfinder".
Try Ivanhoe, Beowulf (pretty new, pretty bad, but Angelina NEVER LOOKED BETTER) and Eric the Viking.
The 13th Warrior with Antonio Banderas...A favorite of mine..Michael
My daughter and I have just finished watching The Long Ships (fun), The Vikings, and The Warlord. Could anyone suggest any other Viking themed films? I know of that one with Antonio Bandaras and Prince Valiant, and the Monty Python related one. Thanks in advance.
What was the MP Viking movie?
Try Ivanhoe, Beowulf (pretty new, pretty bad, but Angelina NEVER LOOKED BETTER) and Eric the Viking.

We watched the Elizabeth Taylor/ Robert Taylor Ivanhoe. Neat movie but no Vikings. I liked the new Beowulf! My daughter is too young (13) for that yet. I saw Eric but I can't remember much of it.

Cool, could a 13 year old girl enjoy it? (Not too much T&A?)
'The Vikings' with Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh is one of my all time favorite Viking movies and a must see. The soundtrack is great too! This is a movie you can watch with just about anyone... even if it is a 'Guy Movie',
My 13 year old had some interesting questions about the "wheel of adultery" and how both Inar and Eric could be brothers. When the peasants flee into the castle is the time to point out elements of "feudalism" for future school reference.
A couple I remember that are along those lines are The Sword of Xanten, Beowulf & Grendel and another adaption of Beowulf.

One thing is having watched them once I will never watch them again as there not the greatest of films! :(:rolleyes:


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Good ones to avoid to eh? Thanks.

Sigurd Drakedreper (1989) aka. The Littlest Viking could be added to that list.
A couple I remember that are along those lines are The Sword of Xanten, Beowulf & Grendel and another adaption of Beowulf.

One thing is having watched them once I will never watch them again as there not the greatest of films! :(:rolleyes:
I have seen the last two; certainly not great cinema but now I guess I must look for the first. If nothing else, Alicia Witt should be fun to watch.
'The Vikings' with Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh is one of my all time favorite Viking movies and a must see. The soundtrack is great too! This is a movie you can watch with just about anyone... even if it is a 'Guy Movie',

Still the best Viking Movie i first watched it when i eight years old and still love it today :D.
I'm just glad my SON isn't interested in "Gladiator Movies." ;)
Even worse!

On the other hand my daughter was embarrassed by the men's lack of pants in The Long Ships.

Tribute to Pants is a song from the episode, Hercules Against the Moon Men. It is also known as simply, "Pants!".

Crow: Joel, I hate movies where the men wear shorter skirts than the women.

Tom: Yeah, I can just imagine a scene from Ancient Greece: "Oh, hi, Hercules, have a seat!! Noooo!!!"

Joel: You are so right my little itty buddies. That's why we've put together a presentation. It's a little thing we like to call: PANTS!

Tom: (singing) Pants!

Crow: Pants!

Bots: Sing the praises of pants!

Joel: Nothing better shows my taste, than what I wear below my waist!

Tom: Say! Pants! Hoo hoo!

Crow: Pants!

Bots: Sing the praises of pants!

Tom: They help me suck in my gut They always cover up my butt! Huh? Pants!

Crow: Pants!

All: Sing the praises of pants!

Crow: Wear them and you're a cool guy, as long as you zip up your fly!

Tom: Zip! Pants!

Crow: Pants!

Bots: Sing the praises of pants!

Joel: (spoken) That's right ladies and gentlemen! Consider the PANT! You know, the Pants Association urges you to wear your pants at least three times a day!

Crow: The great men of our time have all worn pants! Roosevelt! Churchill! DeGualle! Ghandi!--Well, almost all of them!

Tom: Dolphins! One of the smartest mammals on earth. Do they wear pants? NO! But they wish they did! That's how smart they are!

Joel: What keeps our legs all warm and hot?

All: Pants!

Crow: What prevents a buffalo shot?

All: Pants!

Tom: What do they got that I ain't got?

All: Pants!

Tom: Well, you can say that again Huh?
Here's the theme tune to'The Vikings'.Please sing along .....NA NAAA.NA...NA NAAA.NA........NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANANAA.. REPEAT.......
Still the best Viking Movie .....
That is a bit like being the best episode of Laverne and Shirley but the ships were nice.:D Actually I would pick Prince Valiant which is partially a Viking movie.

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