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Go for Broke

Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2008
Fellow forum members. I was wondering how many times a day do you visit the Forum and what is the estimated time spent? I visit first thing in the morning, then mid-morning, before lunch, after lunch, late afternoon and then after dinner. I look at almost everything. I'm most interested in dioramas, any kind of pictures, product likes/dislikes and conversations about kid days. I would like to read more about history as you folks are quite knowledgeable, i.e. recent Civil War thread, French & Indian Wars, but I start getting antsy cause I need to work, so I skim very quickly. I probably spend about 2-hours a day looking this stuff over.
If I have access, .... every day.

Better on work days, when I look as soon as I get to work, morning tea time, luch time, afternoon tea tim (Thats right now on Firday arvo) and in the evening.when I'm home.

On holidays, well that sometimes means NO internet, :( esp when travelling.

When I'm home, weekends etc. anytime I like :)

I always look at "Whats New" first, then scan down.

At least once a day.

I love toy soldiers and this site is awesome. I'm sure it's probably the best in the world?????

I also like the knowledge the Yanks, Canucks and Poms have about their military history.

I'm also a diecast nut and a sports nut too so there's quite a few forums I'm on. :redface2:
I'm pretty much permanently logged in!. At home I'm always logged in and check it every hour or so and my mobile is logged in all the time, I do like to keep updated with whats going on.

I'll log on, too, and park there, and if I don't do that, I check back 3 or 4 times during the day and look for updates.

I pop on, on and off, all day, whenever I need a break from work, or a few minutes of "me time".
I'm pretty much permanently logged in!. At home I'm always logged in and check it every hour or so and my mobile is logged in all the time, I do like to keep updated with whats going on.


I too am permanently logged in^&cool. I check all Britains, Napoleonic, diorama, historical, interesting set, for sale, wanted, ebay, and chat (most) threads. That probably amounts to .5-2 hours on a given day.
I am always online through the day until about 10-11pm. I work for an ISP so I can check pretty much whenever I want :D:D:D
Log on in the AM and stay on. Although I don't monitor the site all day, I check it pretty regularly. I enjoy all of it, especially the discussions on history. Love the pictures of the dios and the skills displayed by the many talented members. Easily my favorite website, no close second. Everything and everyone on here I just find interesting.^&grin:salute:: -- Al
I have actually cut back on checking for a little while now. But will log on almost every day some times not.
I have actually cut back on checking for a little while now. But will log on almost every day some times not.

That makes me much time I spend on the forum depends on how much of the content interests me, that is to say, I enjoy seeing new posts on painting, or on someone's find of an old or rare figure, for example, and historical discussion threads. Not so much a follower of the newer maker's commercially-painted products, on the other hand. So, I will check the New Posts feature a couple of times, and depending on what's been posted, I may stay on for a longer or shorter period.

Similar to britfarmer - I work for an IT company as a tester, and we have umlimited bandwidth. So, I can work and browse at the same time.


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