W. Britain - Fort Meigs Event (1 Viewer)

Ken & Ericka Osen/H&A Studio

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 22, 2005
Hello All,
I thought I would post a "after action" report for the Muster on the Maumee which happened last weekend at Fort Meigs, Perrysburg, Ohio.

First, some background information on Fort Meigs:
-Fort Meigs is part of the Ohio Historical Society (and is being threatened with closure!! All you fine folks that live in Ohio should write your congressman now to prevent this wonderful site from closing!).
-It is the largest stockeded Fort ever built in North America. It has been rebuilt on it's original site.
-It was originally built in 1813 as part of the encampment for the Army of the Northwest.
-2 sieges took place here during the War of 1812.
-It has a wonderful museum with some great exhibits and original uniforms.
-It's website is: www.fortmeigs.org

The Muster on the Maumee is a timeline event that Fort Meigs hosts each Fathers Day Weekend. The earliest eras represented are ancient Romans all the way up to 1960's hippies (they run the snack tent that specializes in brownies). Ken & I usually attend as 1812 and set up the W.Britains tent. If you have never been to Fort Meigs it is worth the trip and Muster on the Maumee is definately one stop shopping for history!

Below are some pictures for your enjoyment!
All the Best,

Ken at the W.Britain Tent.
Well, let's do this chronologically...

A Roman Legionnaire with his shield and armor.

A mounted English Archer. These horses were great, they handled the crowds and cannons beautifully!

Truly a Knight in Shining Armor!

English Knight.
Moving ahead through the centuries!

A very confused 1812 artilleryman "Hey, have any of you guys seen a bronze cannon around here? Weighs around 700 pounds, you can't miss it!"

World War II was very well represented including a fly over of a fully restored B-17G, the "Yankee Lady". Ken has been lucky enough to catch a ride in this beauty a few years ago.

Yankee Air Force Museum B-17G, the "Yankee Lady".

Most reenactors have overlapping areas of interest. Rick Baumgartner looks on as 2 WWII Germans make a purchase at his Blue Acorn Press, a well known WWI and Civil War book publishing company. www.blueacornpress.com

Our UK office provided security while Ken & I went on a break (Just kidding!).
Like I said, WWII was very well represented...
And obviously popular amongst the younger set!

And yes, this young man does collect toy soldiers!

A fully restored WWII Willys Jeep, about 15 minutes away from it's original birthplace in Toledo, Ohio.

A fine display of original accouterments including a British Bren Gun.
and the last grouping of photographs from the weekend...

Here I am being serenaded by an accordion playing SS NCO. I can honestly say that doesn't happen every day!

"Where is my wall? And what did you do with it?", East German Border Guard circa 1989. Like I said, one stop shopping for world history!

A view of one of the stockade walls and block houses at Fort Meigs.

We did not get pictures of most of the event participants including the Vikings, 1880's Cowboys, Civil War soldiers, 1812, Rev. War, Spanish American War, WWI and many more too numerous to mention!

If you are ever in the area of Perrysburg, Ohio, please make a point of visiting this wonderful reconstruction. If you missed seeing us this past weekend, you can catch up with Ken at the W.Britain event hosted by Michigan Toy Soldier this coming Saturday in Royal Oak, Michigan.

All the Best,
Thank for briging us along Lady Ericka and sharing the photos. Would have been nice to been able to join both you and Ken at the event....The Lt.

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