Waco - 2018. TV Mini-Series (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 22, 2009
On Paramount [ renamed SPIKE] TV, on 24th January. I'll check it out.
Although I'm not that interested in rehashing the events. Don't care for
SPIKE much either. Six-part mini-series

"Waco reveals the story of "the 51-day 1993 standoff between the FBI, ATF and David Koresh’s spiritual sect, The Branch Davidians, in Waco, Texas, that resulted in a deadly fire. It explores the true life details leading up to and chronicling the standoff told from several perspectives of those most intimately involved in both sides of the conflict."


First episode was pretty good. A couple of actors from Boardwalk Empire. They are really portraying the FBI and ATF in a bad light so far. Indicating that they were using this situation to justify their existence after the Ruby Ridge incident. Koresh is also portrayed as a likeable guy. After all these years I still don't exactly what to think about this ugly indecent. It certainly gave fodder to the worst fears of the anti-government paranoid types that led to the Oklahoma City bombing. A complete debacle that has implications to this day.
Down to the final episode. This has turned out to be an excellent show. Some great acting. A sad commentary on how two groups can position themselves into a corner. The FBI and ATF really take a beating regarding how they handled this situation.
The finale was pretty powerful. And aired on the anniversary of the initial ATF assault. They really stuck it to the FBI and blamed them entirely for the fire. I think the Davidians had a hand in setting it but there were so many lies when all was said and done it may never be sorted out. A sad tale that reaped a lot more grief over the years from Oklahoma City to Columbine.
The finale was pretty powerful. And aired on the anniversary of the initial ATF assault. They really stuck it to the FBI and blamed them entirely for the fire. I think the Davidians had a hand in setting it but there were so many lies when all was said and done it may never be sorted out. A sad tale that reaped a lot more grief over the years from Oklahoma City to Columbine.

I remember my mentor in our Law Office (We had represented the 82 year old blind woman accused of murdering a Sheriff in the FBI's botched Gordon Call case, we wallked her, as the Sheriff was shot in the back, at point blank range, by a M-16, and coincidentally the deputy right behind him had a M-16 during the cabin entry and ballistics matched it to the bullet) and a FBI agent friend discussing this. Despite plenty of opportunity to arrest him while he jogged everyday, they wanted a siege and firefight. They also fabricated the probable cause for a warrant in the first place (UPS "Accidentally" opened a package addressed to him, that contained "hand grenades", that were subsequently "lost")

Clear case of overzealous law enforcement, from start to finish. They knew he was bad news. that bad things were going on there, and they over reached in order to "do good".

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