Wahoo!! EoI has it's own thread now (1 Viewer)


Thanks Shannon. She's the one with the great ideas. I'm just a soldier in HRH's army :)
Yes thank you very much Shannon for taking the time to give us our own section. It is very much appreciated and will of course make it so much easier for me to find the threads that I need to address.

I can’t promise to answer all questions immediately of course as I have to run the company and after office hours the last thing I think of, much to the amazement of some of my clients, is toy soldiers!

Anyway to get the ball rolling in the next few days I will be starting a new thread showing exactly how we make a model from start to finish. This thread is going to take a few months to complete as it is a figure which is half way through the production process at this very moment. I thought it might interest a few of the collectors, as after all manufacturers all use different production techniques.

More later from me.
Anyway to get the ball rolling in the next few days I will be starting a new thread showing exactly how we make a model from start to finish. This thread is going to take a few months to complete as it is a figure which is half way through the production process at this very moment. I thought it might interest a few of the collectors, as after all manufacturers all use different production techniques.

More later from me.

Ken- I will be waiting most enthusiastically for those posts. I am always interested in the tricks of the trade, alas, I have the artistic skill of a slug so to hear some of the finer points from a pro is most welcome. I am sure it will be fascinating and will interest collectors from all across the forum.
Hi Ken,

I agree with Chris concerning the interest in learning more about the creation of a figure from start to finish. I certainly look forward to following your thread with great anticipation!

Warmest personal regards,


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