Wandering Threads (2 Viewers)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
OK, boys....

I, like many of you, don't mind when a thread occasionally wanders off topic. I too take part in some of the silly, playful banter. It brings levity and a sense of calm to the Forum.

However, lately we've gotten a wee bit too off focus. It seems like nearly every thread ends up in random conversations that most people cannot comprehend. We want everyone to be comfortable posing here on Treefrog, and we'd like everyone's opinions to be honored and respected.

So while i'm not going to say QUIT HAVING FUN AND ONLY TALK ABOUT TOY SOLDIERS, I am going to kindly request that for the sake of everyone on the Forum that you keep a bit of the silliness in check.

It is possible to have too much of a good thing. I believe that some of the 'goofy' posts have been removed.

Thank you for making this Forum the great place it is today.
Yes there was a trend towards this over the last few days,i think its quietening down again now.

I think todays one where we've had to put Abba song titles into each post was quite good fun. :)
I know and the raven no longer flies at night.
Boys, I have found the woodshed...don't make me take you behind it...

Peter,is that an American thing?.I've heard the expression a lot,excuse my ignorance but what does it mean?

To take someone behind the woodshed is to get them away from where everyone can see them and pummel them mercilessly :D
I see! I won't Break the Rules on this forum then!!!:D

Not unless you LIKE the wood shed.:rolleyes::eek::D

See, I stayed on topic just like you asked.

I will not wander, I will not wander, well maybe I will not wander. Ya never know do ya.
The signs says "coal shed" and yet there appears to be wood inside. A ruse in case of invasion from Canada? Well done Peter - can't be too careful.
Yeah, and tomorrows wandering star, oops I mean thread, will be AC/DC songs.....:eek::):eek:

Whole lotta Rosie,Shot down in Flames,Girls got Rythmn,Ain't no fun waiting round to be a milionare.... all classics:cool:


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