I have a ton of 54mm figures from various manufacturers, i.e. Call to Arms, AIP, CTS, Barzo and Hat. I have a 3 year old grandson who is the light of my life. I love the little guy and he is already showing an interest in what he calls "Pa's soldiers." Whenever he comes to visit, we dump out all over the floor several boxes of figures from various periods. He is now able to look at a figure and tell me what it is. My goal is to hand these down to him, but I would like to paint them to add that special touch. Teaching military history was never so much fun! I have seen some tips and plan to purchase a book and watch some YouTube vids, but for a quick question...is there a stock color "out there" for paining the flesh of ancient Celtiberians, Numidians and Carthaginians, etc? I would think more on the brown to dark brown is what would be appropriate. Any advice would be much obliged.