If you have anything you're looking to sell, please PM me. New Hope Designs, Mountford, Stadden, Hinchliffe, etc. I'm rather enjoying the painting side of the hobby.
Try Fleurbaix Toy Soldiers,
https://www.fleurbaixtoysoldiers.com/, for Sanderson castings. Owner/proprietor Abram Simon is a member of the forum, too.
You didn't mention Phoenix, but you can find their Victorian/Edwardian series now at S&D Miniatures website; here's the URL to their 1/32 scale catalog page:
As far as Stadden civilians go, you could try looking at Tradition's website,
https://traditionoflondonshop.com/, though in the old custom figure catalog, civilians were relatively rare. They're relatively rare among the newer, contemporary lines, too, but it's worth having a look at the online shop. I buy via the website relatively frequently, it's always a smooth transaction.
Another source is John Eden Studios. His website is still down as he finds a new host, but he sells on eBay as roseminiatures. He also has Sanderson castings, some Rose, some Phoenix, and some other odds and ends. I buy from him via his eBay auctions; he often puts up groups of Victorian/Edwardian civilians.
Hope that helps, prost!