wanted: hand grips for Dragon 1/35 tanks (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Mar 8, 2011
I'm looking for three C-shaped hand grips for the following Dragon 1/35 tanks.

1. M4A3 (76)W Sherman---I need hand grip #1 for the front/upper/middle turret (right behind the 76mm cannon), and I need hand grip #2 for the commander's hatch.
2. Tiger I---I need the hand grip for the rectangular hatch on top of the turret (i.e. not the commander's hatch).

If nobody has them, and if you're willing to try, you could scratchbuild replacements, with stretched sprue, or styrene rod. You can heat it (gently) over a candle flame. In the case of a piece of sprue, you then pull the piece, to stretch it until it's at the thickness you want. In the case of styrene rod stock (eg, Evergreen or Plastruct), you can buy a size that suits. Once you have the piece warmed, you can form it over a round shape of the size you want. I think the insert from a ball-point pen might do for the Sherman grab handles.

Hope that helps, prosit!

Thanks for the suggestion, but my model-making skills are close to zero which is why I looking for the parts themselves.
I'm looking for three C-shaped hand grips for the following Dragon 1/35 tanks.

1. M4A3 (76)W Sherman---I need hand grip #1 for the front/upper/middle turret (right behind the 76mm cannon), and I need hand grip #2 for the commander's hatch.
2. Tiger I---I need the hand grip for the rectangular hatch on top of the turret (i.e. not the commander's hatch).


Make them from paper-clips in metal. These little shaped handles are so fiddly and fragile - they are much better made in metal. Just bend to shape and size to fit the holes ( or drill new ones - where you want) and bend to shape with a pair of pointed-nosed pliers. Then glue in with super glue. They will never break! jb

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