Wanted: Heco Tinplate Models (1 Viewer)

Louis Badolato

Lieutenant General
Apr 25, 2005
I'm still on the lookout for the following Heco Tinplate items, so please let me know if you come across any of them:

Tiger Moth Trainer
German A7V WWI German Tank
Self Propelled Anti Aircraft Gun
Fiesler Storch
Hawker Fury
Model T Ford Ambulance
Mobile Radar on Underslung Chassis
Skeleton Camel
Siemen's Schuckert WWI
Supermarine S6 (Schneider Trophy)
Renault T17 Light Two Man Tank
British Mk 1 Tank with rear Steering wheels
Mobile Pidgeon loft
Crossley Armoured Car
Austin Armoured Car
Junkers JU52
Any Heco Tinplate Buildings
Any Heco Tinplate Boats or Ships
I found the British Mark I tank, but I'm still looking for the rest . . . anybody?

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