Wanted...King and Country Ancient Egypt... (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 3, 2008
King and Country Ancient Egypt...

I'm thinking of starting a new range...does anybody collect this series and wants to sell it off...

King and Country Egypt

AE001...Pharoah's Sedan Chair...
AE002...Fan Bearers...
AE003...Prince of Egypt...
AE004...The Architects...
AE005...The Painters...
AE006...The Stone Carvers...
AE007...Wrapping the Mummy...
AE008...Mummy Painters...
AE009...Standing Guardsman...
AE010...Marching Guardsman...
AE012...Pharoes Statues...
AE013...Temple Facade...
AE014...Paroahs Head...
AE015...Hunting Pharoah...
AE016...Hunting Party...
AE017...The Royal Mascot...
AE018...Pair of Sphinx Statues...
AE019...Cleopatra's Body Gurad...
AE021...Banquet Guests Set 1...
AE022...Banquet Guests Set 2...
AE023...Dancing Girls...
AE024...Court Musicians...
AE025...Opening of the Mouth Ceremony...
AE026...The Slave Market...
AE027...Egyptian Slave Buyer...
AE028...Nubian Slave Guard...
AE029...The Gift Givers (retired)...
AE030...Master of Ceremonies...
AE031...The Drummer...
AE032...The Wedding Couple..
AE033...Another Dancing Girl...
AE034...High Priest RA God of the Sun...
AE035...Hand Maiden to Priest of RA...
AE036...Wedding Guest Couple...
AE037...Standing Pharoah...
AE038...Egyptian Obelsik...
AE039...Cleopatra and Her Hand Maidens...
AE040...Court Official...
AE041...Baker Set...
AE042...Mother and Son...
AE043...Woman Carrying Water...
AE044...Fruit Seller Set...
AE045...The Breadmaker...
I just started this range myself a few months ago, and it is addictive. I just wish it was not so expensive to get a lot of the earlier pieces. A few of the earlier sets are still around though and at good prices. Try Bunton's Barracks for the painter and architect sets. I bought both of these from that business about a month ago. Hobby Bunker also has the painter set and may be even lower on the price than Brunton's.

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