Wanted To Buy.... K&C Collector Issues #1 #2 #3 (1 Viewer)


Feb 27, 2011
Wanted To Buy.... K&C Collector Issues #1 #2 #3. Prefered in new condition. PM me if you have any of these 3 and willing to sell. Thanks !
Still Looking for these................Any sellers ??? :rolleyes2:

Hi Panzer
I will have a look and if i have them i will send them to you mate,i dont think i have number 1 but i may have 2 and 3 if you are looking for any more let e know
Regards Scott
Still Looking for these................Any sellers ??? :rolleyes2:

I guess you are collecting them as a set, otherwise I would print them off the K&C site, not many pages these early ones, so print and staple the pages. Cheers, Robin.
Sorry, I don't have any extras. When I first started collecting I printed out from Bill Sager's site the brochures and Collectors Issues I didn't have and put them into a binder, which has grown to three binders. Over time, via friends, luck and eBay I've managed to eliminate most of what I didn't have.

They are a great resource, particularly if you're buying stuff on eBay. Another great resource, almost a substitute, are Louis' and Kevin's books.
Sorry, I don't have any extras. When I first started collecting I printed out from Bill Sager's site the brochures and Collectors Issues I didn't have and put them into a binder, which has grown to three binders. Over time, via friends, luck and eBay I've managed to eliminate most of what I didn't have.

They are a great resource, particularly if you're buying stuff on eBay. Another great resource, almost a substitute, are Louis' and Kevin's books.

Yes they are ^&grin Once I acquire the first 3 issues I will have the complete set of Collector Quarterly's :wink2:

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