The first Fort I remember visiting was Ft. Niagara when I was about 8 years old. Since then I have been to all of the forts and many of the sites several times over. I have also had the good fortune to be at many of these locations in period uniforms so that I have been able to stay the night with the other participants long after the normal visitors have gone. It is a real treat to look out across a parade ground and only see folks in period clothing strolling about or drilling. If any of you are traveling in the Niagara area I recommend visiting Ft. George or Erie on the Canadian side and Ft. Niargara on the US side. If you should be visiting Toronto, Canada be sure to stop in and see Ft. York it has some great displays in the restored and reconstructed buildings.
In the midwest one of the largest wooden forts built in North America is Ft. Meigs, located south of Toledo, Ohio at Perrysberg. Just north of that is the site of the Battle of the River Raison in 1813. This is located in what is now called Monroe Michigan. There is a visitors center at the battlefield and just west of that is a restored trading post and outbuildings that are from the period. It is a short trip from there to Amherstburg, Ontario Canada where you can visit Ft. Malden. The museum there has some excellent surviving uniforms from both combatants on display.
After our deadlines for the new Zulu range I will try and post a fews images from some of these sites.
Ken Osen/Hudson & Allen Studio