....And this came from where?
Yes, it does look good. When, where, etc?
I walked into the plush surrounds of the lobby of the Savoy in London, a short well dressed official told me Miss Annifer Jenniston is waiting at your usual table Sir. Armed with a Vodka and Tonic I strolled to the table and there she was, mysterious, sultry and slightly edgy, ' Rob, I'm going to give you something under the table' she declared, she slipped me this picture, much as I liked the photo I was disappointed.....
Well, now you say it, it's obvious, should have realised ^&grin
And mate, you have a flair for writing, that I can only compare with a Mills & Boon novel (errrrr....aparently )
That looks sharp for sure, too bad they didn't do an Italian or a DAK version.........:wink2:
Somewhere in Florida a collector who's name sounds similar to Lumbale must be smiling; then again, maybe not....................
Robs been a very naughty boy, thought these where top secret:wink2:
Hey mate, dealers have been sending these out to customers, I hope its ok to post them:redface2:
Sending the photos - not the models.
Where did you buy this from?Just pre-ordered the Aussie version. I think the Aussie one will go quickly. Nice job Andy
looks good to me!